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Dispersal and Regrouping of Migrant Communities - Essay Example Diasporas are only gatherings that vagrants structure based on a common c...

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Perfect Storm essays

The Perfect Storm essays In the book The Perfect Storm by Sebastian Junger, the Satori rescue was depicted very accurately. While searching on the Internet, I found many instances where other people talked about the information Junger gave the reader. Also, there were many pictures that helped me to see what Junger was writing about in his book. I was very impressed with how well he was able to tell the story, while keeping all of the facts in tact. Many writers tend to play with words in a way that will lead the reader to believe something far from what really happened and far from the truth. Junger was a very impressive writer in The Perfect Storm. He was able to tell the story like it truly happened, while not bending the words of others. This made for a very accurate and good book. With the story of the Satori rescue, Junger added numerous personal accounts from the people who were involved. By doing so, he was able to draw the reader further into the story and help them fully understand what was happening. Also, it helped to put a timeline of the incident and introduce the reader to what a storm can be like when on a boat on the water. Junger gave the background of what the fisherman had been through before and how this specific storm related to them. He was able to give the reader history of what kind of storms the boat and fisherman had been through in the previous years and what they were used to going through on their fishing trips. Another important aspect of the book was the logs, broadcasts, and radio transmissions that were added into Jungers writing. There were personal logs that were written by the fisherman. This alone shows the reader of how much was researched and found by Junger before he began writing. The logs were explaining what the fisherman were going through at the time of the storm and what state of mind they were in at the time. The broadcasts from the weather service were also put in the book. By doing...

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