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Dispersal and Regrouping of Migrant Communities Essay

Dispersal and Regrouping of Migrant Communities - Essay Example Diasporas are only gatherings that vagrants structure based on a common c...

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Diabetes Diabetes And Diabetes - 919 Words

Insulin Resistance: Diabetes Diabetes mellitus is most commonly known as diabetes. Diabetes is formally a Greek word that translates to, â€Å"the making of lots of urine with sugar in it or making sweet urine† Brawley. This disease is due to a metabolic dysfunction. Diabetes is caused due to the fact that insufficient insulin is being produced in the pancreas. Sometimes this disease can even be caused because the cells are not being responsive to the insulin being produced. Unfortunately diabetes is not just one single strand but it comes in Type 1, Type 2 and gestational diabetes. To begin with, diabetes is not specified to just one group age or gender it can strike anyone from any age in life. According to the distinguished, What is Diabetes?, article, in the past years the amount of diabetes cases has increased dramatically by 50 percent making it be 29 million people suffering from this disease. Occasionally diabetes symptoms can go unnoticed but if not treated properly it can lead to serious complications. In a healthy person, the pancreas (an organ behind the stomach) releases insulin to help the body store and use the sugar from the food you eat. Nevertheless, the symptoms to such disease are â€Å"urinating often, feel of thirstiness, feeling very hungry - even though you are eating, extreme fatigue, blurry vision, cuts and bruises that are slow to heal, weight loss - even though you are eating more (type 1) and Tingling, pain, or numbness in the hands/feet in type 2†Show MoreRelatedDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes3153 Words   |  13 PagesPeople all around the world might know someone with diabetes, but might have never realized how did they get diabetes, what will happen with them, what do they go through, what makes them change their lives, or what is there everyday basis when someone has diabetes? It may not be your problem, but to show respect and care for the one who may have diabetes can help them and benefit yourself to know more about it and have a better understanding of it. It can impact a person s personal life to knowRead MoreDiabetes : The Growth Of Knowledge On Diabetes1018 Words   |  5 PagesDiabetes The research focused on explaining the meaning of diabetes and how literary some concepts can be used to control the situation. Diabetes is a defect in the body that results from the inability to convert glucose to energy. In the medical terms, glucose is the primary source of energy that enables the body to execute its functions effectively. The types of foods that affect the blood sugars are called carbohydrates. We can find carbohydrates in foods such as potatoes, corn, fruit, rice andRead MoreDiabetes And Its Effects On Diabetes1408 Words   |  6 Pagesgo hand in hand with diabetes. Everyone who has diabetes goes through different events or problems each and every day. However, there is more than just one type of diabetes that corresponds with these things; there are two distinct types. It is unsure how Diabetes was discovered but now there are much simpler ways to detect if someone is diabetic. As time has gone on, it is greatly apparent that the technology and all that scien tists know about diabetes has changed. Diabetes is a disease in whichRead MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes1433 Words   |  6 Pages Diabetes mellitus (sometimes called sugar diabetes) is a condition that occurs when the body can t use glucose (a type of sugar) normally. Glucose is the main source of energy for the body s cells. The levels of glucose in the blood are controlled by a hormone called insulin, which is made by the pancreas. Insulin helps glucose enter the cells. In diabetes, the pancreas does not make enough insulin (type 1 diabetes) or the body can t respond normally to the insulin that is made (type 2 diabetes)Read MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes Essay1172 Words   |  5 Pages Diabetes refers to clinically and heterogenous group of disorders described by abnormal high levels blood glucose. Diabetes is ranked as 6th leading cause of death. It direct annual medical costs is approximately over $ 92 billion, and another $ 40 billion indirect cost. It affects approximately 18.2 million people in the USA (Arcangelo Peterson, 2013). Explain the differences between types of diabetes including type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes. There are three major classificationRead MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes1193 Words   |  5 Pagesthe family has diabetes. Her husband, your grandfather, is at risk for diabetes. Your father has diabetes. Your mother is at risk for diabetes. Your half-sister on your father’s side of the family was recently tested for diabetes. What kind of future regarding diabetes does that leave you with? This may not be you, but this is me. This is my diabetic and at risk family. What is the difference between the types of diabetes? What are the possible problems I can have because of diabetes? How can I treatRead MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes1371 Words   |  6 PagesDiabetes For my health project topic I chose Diabetes. One of my aunts has type one diabetes, and that is partially why I chose to do this topic. Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar) because of varying reasons. Some of these reasons include insulin production is inadequate or because the body’s cells don’t respond properly to insulin, or both. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas that regulates the amount of glucose in theRead MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes851 Words   |  4 Pages Diabetes comes in multiple forms: type 1, or diabetes insipidus; type 2, or diabetes mellitus; or gestational, which occurs during pregnancy and may be either type 1 or type 2. Diabetes is a metabolic disease where the person has high blood glucose. (Blood glucose is also know was blood sugar.) When the person has high blood sugar it’s either because the insulin result is insufficient, or the body’s cells don’t respond to the insulin like it should, or both can happen. There are different typesRead MoreDiabetes Is An Illness Of Diabetes2273 Words   |  10 Pages INTRODUCTION Diabetes is an illness that’s been raising for many years and yet there hasn’t been a cure found for it. Diabetes is diagnosed when you have too much glucose also known as sugar in your blood, where the pancreas isn’t able to make enough insulin to pass the sugar in use for energy to the different cells in your body. Glucose in the bloodstreams comes from the carbohydrate foods which are changed into sugar after we have eaten them or the glucose that’s been stored in the liver thatRead MoreWhat Is Diabetes? Types Of Diabetes Essay911 Words   |  4 PagesWhat Is Diabetes? Types Of Diabetes By Harshad Jethra | Submitted On June 05, 2015 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Harshad Jethra Diabetes is also referred to as diabetes mellitus, and may

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The British And Indian War - 1387 Words

During the mid-1700’s, British American Colonists were questioning their place under the British crown. The Colonists were proud to be part of the British Empire, especially after the recent victories of the French and Indian war, which gave the colonist a sense of pride and patriotism. However, British Parliament began to pass legislation that had laid a burden on the Colonists, as well as oppression. The Colonists began to question the power of the Crown, whether the idea of a Monarchy was a primitive style of government. They believed officers passing/enforcing laws were neglecting the authority of the King, which lead some radical Whigs to accuse the King of being an incompetent enforcer of human rights. Bridges built between the colonist and the mother country were beginning to deteriorate as colonist began to realize that the King was not concerned about the interests and concerns of the colonies. This would eventually lead to protests and a movement to establish a gover nment that was influenced by the people of the colonies and not by civilians of the mother country. In the colonies there was a split in how the Colonists viewed the king. Some believed King George was a just King, he was willing to listen to the needs of his subjects and assist the colonist whom had helped bring victory to the mother country after the French and Indian war. However, some of the Colonists believed that the King was not aware of the current state of the Colonists. The legislationShow MoreRelatedThe British And Indian War913 Words   |  4 PagesThe first successful British settlement, motivated for economic gain, in the New World was in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. Religious persecution in England, due to the Protestant Reformation, encouraged the settlement of the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colony. The popularity for economic and religious opportunity sparked exoduses such as the The Great Migration. The British westward expansion led to land claim disputes wit h the French on the Ohio River Valley and the Northeast fisheries. TheseRead MoreThe British And Indian War930 Words   |  4 Pagesstart of it all in 1763 when the French and Indian war also known as the seven years’ war ended and that is extremely important because it led to very unhappy colonists because the British were broke. The French and Indian war was fought between the British and French on American soil and the British felt the colonists should pay them back for protecting them, The colonists majority of them being British were more than happy to assist in paying for the war but it was important that they be representedRead MoreThe British And Indian War1207 Words   |  5 Pagesevent that shaped distain for the British was the French and Indian war (1756-1763). Before the French and Indian war the colonist under the British rule had been left alone to govern themselves. Directly after the war is when the British to force political and economic control on the col onies. There was great debate over who should pay off the war debt. Britain was forcing the colonist to pay, even though they felt that it was not their war. In result the British passed taxation acts on goods theseRead MorePerceptions Of The British And Indian War860 Words   |  4 Pageshistory; haven wars, such as the French and Indian war altered the perception of the American people. These events and people were some of the many facilitated with the defiance against the British. This essay will show how these altercations turned the People of the newly formed Americas against the British. During the time of 1763-1775 one of the occurrences that happened to affect the colonist’s perception of the British was the French and Indian War. The amazing thing is that the war itself wasRead MoreThe British Of The French And Indian War1247 Words   |  5 PagesPage 1 of 5 It’s 1763, and the British just signed a treaty with France to mark the end of the French/Indian War (1756-1763). The British were very happy with themselves, they just won the war! They had a right to feel victorious. The British colonies in North America were in that same happy, victorious state. But all that happiness and victory came at a price. The price was the immense debt that Britain faced after the war. The British needed money fast to pay off their debt. But tensions aroseRead MoreImpact Of The French And Indian War On The British Government941 Words   |  4 PagesIV.The Impact on the British The impact of the French and Indian War on the British government was a positive move toward the dominance of Europe after the defeat of the French in terms of the colonization of North America. During this time, the British had incurred a massive military debt, which had to be paid over the long-term. To ensure that the British government did not take full responsibility for the debt, the British colonists were expected to pay back the debt burden through extremelyRead MoreBritish Imperialism During The First War Of Indian Independence1502 Words   |  7 Pages British Imperialism in India Indian Independence The first war of Indian independence, also known as the 1857 Indian Rebellion, was not the first challenge to British authority, but it was the first to feature widespread coordination with increased levels of intensity. It began with discontent within the sepoy army. Initially, the soldiers were well-paid to keep their loyalty, but the EIC failed to increase pay to match the inflation rate. Moreover, they received the impression that the CompanyRead MoreCompare and Contrast He American and British Views Regarding the French and Indian War.604 Words   |  3 PagesThe French and Indian War, was a war fought between France and Britain. The war was the product of an imperial struggle, a clash between the French and English over colonial territory and wealth. Great Britain claimed that the French provoked war by building forts along the Ohio River Valley. Virginia’s governor sent a militia to the French and Native American allies. The war started out badly for Great Britain, a bout 2,000 British and colonial troops were defeated by the French and Native AmericansRead MoreFrench and Indian War in the Colonies Essay1657 Words   |  7 Pagesinternal peace. The Iroquois Confederacy had a great impact in the war of the French and Indian war. The Seven Years War (called the French and Indian War in the colonies) lasted from 1756 to 1763, forming a chapter in the imperial struggle between Britain and France called the Second Hundred Years War. In the early 1750s, Frances expansion into the Ohio River valley repeatedly brought it into conflict with the claims of the British colonies, especially Virginia. When Robert Dinwiddie, LieutenantRead MoreThe Causes And Effect Of The French And Indian War1146 Words   |  5 Pages 7 Years of War â€Å"French and Indian war† What were the causes and effect of the war? Ana Rodriguez 6th period 03/10/15 What were the causes and effect of the French and Indian war? â€Å"The last and most destructive of the four Anglo-French Colonial wars, was the French and Indian war.† Took place on 1754-1763, and together with its European counterpart, the seven years war. Start with England declaring war on France, and ending with the Treaty of

Monday, December 9, 2019

The International Staffing Policy

Questions: Your task is to design a comprehensive expatriates-related program, which includes the following major areas:recruitment and selectiontraining and developmentperformance managementreward and compensation.You need to prepare a report regarding the expatriation programs.In the report, you have to:Select two of the above mentioned areas to focus in the report.Provide detailed programs and use academic references to justify your choice. You can also use existing industry examples to back up your reasoning.Discuss the potential challenges for proposing the new programs.Explain what benefits the program can bring to the organisation. Answers: Introduction The international Staffing Policy depends mainly of the Managing Director or the CEO of the company. The company need to adopt the policy which will best suited according to the structure, budget, and the duration of the international assignment or the project. The mangers nationality would be one of the important factors in the determination of the compensation. The study shows of appointing the employees in the managerial and the in managerial background. The senior managers are responsible for selecting and the employees and accordingly give them training. The ethnocentric staffing has the most successful selection and the recruitment criteria. The employee with the global mindset can entrust with the international recruitment policy (Hussain and Murthy 2013). The polycentric staffing policy depends on the appointment and the presence of the host company of the government of the host country for imposing foreign hiring barriers. The geocentric staffing includes the appointment of the staff regardless of their nation and could even include from the third country nationals. While the regiocentric employees are transferred accordingly with the regional basis (Osland et al. 2014). Selection Program The selection criteria are one of the most important for choosing the right candidate for the company. The company needs to adopt various plans for initiating the selection program (Scheiblea 2015). Technical competency It is the most important criteria as the employee need to be hire for the contraction and the mini g company in a distant location. The employees need to know and understand about all the technological adoption for the position. The criteria of the selection should be according to technical consultation and need that arise for it. He expatriate need to competent on the technological field. They can handle the issues related with it. The company needs to take a technological test as their selection criteria. The technological test need to verbal as well as through written test (Kataria and Sethi 2013). (Source: Blog.soa.org, 2010) Personal traits The selection criteria for this field need to access through the understanding of the diverse background. The selection criteria need to access through ethnic background and adoptability to work with different culture of people. In other words the candidate needs to possess certain number of cultural toughness. The past work experience with the diverse culture. For the selection of the people in the managerial background thee candidate should have travel history and knowledge of the host country. The qualification for the mangers needs to be MBA. The mangers need take into consideration with the knowledge of solving the problems in the host country (Townley 2014). Accordingly both the employees of the managerial as well non managerial need to undergo through the second round of selection process in personal traits. The selection of this round will be through interview (Mischel 2013). Environmental variables The candidates for both for the managerial and the non managerial roles need to understand the context of the domestic in terms of analyzing the PESTLE. The expatriate needs to understand the macro environment of the host country which is political, economic, social, technological, legal, environment. The analysis of the PESTLE in selecting the candidate will not help to understand the international assignment but also the effective strategy formulation of the host country. So, selecting the candidate through the understanding o the environmental variables will include in the second round along with the personal traits (Treurnicht et al. 2016). Understanding of Cultural Diversity Training would be given on cultural diversity. However, the person needs to have the ability to adopt with the culture of China. They need to understand the difference of culture and act accordingly. The interviewer needs to conduct to understand it in the interviews. They need to make questions on their adaptability of other culture. They need to even ask questions on how frequently they used to visit other countries. The opinion about the culture of those countries is important. It would clear the interviewer to understand the mental stability in terms of establishing into other country (Osland et al. 2014). Leadership Ability The selection on this field needs to access through the selection criteria of both the managerial and the non managerial staff. Though, it should be more important for the managerial positioned employees. The candidates need to undergo through the written and the interview round for initiating the ability of the leadership quality (Barbusse 2015). (Source: SERIES, 2015) The company plans need to access through the proper training and development of the candidates. They need to undergo through a vigorous training so that they can adopt with the culture and the work of China. The company need organize training to a program of 14 days. The main focus are on the training should be on the language. Cultural mores such as the food, dress and the observance of the holidays should include into it. The observance area should also include the understanding of the currency and the exchange rates. The final consideration would be on the professional expectations such as the interactions with the high-level staff (Bhatia and Kaur 2014). Language Training The candidate needs to provide with the training on the language of China. Though, it is difficult for the candidate to learn a different language within a short period of time. but, they need to at least understand the languages that is used by the people of China. The training need to given trough expertise of language. The candidates need to be fast learner and adopter. They need to adopt with the language in a fast pace (Scheiblea 2015). (Source: LUNA360.com, 2016) Cultural Diversity They need to understand the cultural diversity for the people. They need to develop and understand the culture of China. They need to adopt with the ways of their dress and food. They understanding of the cultural diversity would enable them to perform in a much better way. They can understand the culture and can easily adopt with it. Cultural diversity would make them aware about the culture for China. The training and development need to understand them the importance of it (Scheiblea 2015). Knowledge Management Process Knowledge Management would enable them repetitive occurrence of issues of the construction company in China. Effective way to give training is though the case studies. The case study would contain a problematic situation that Construction Company of China generally faces. Expatriaye need to solve those case studies proving effective solution. It would enable them to take decisions in the problematic situation of China (Hussain and Murthy 2013. There are four steps that are involved with the knowledge management process. They are as follows: The creation of knowledge in the day-day activities of the trade, the companies create a large amount of data. It is mainly essential for a company to have a system that helps to manage newly created information that in turn helps to solve the new problems. The codification of knowledge in order to turn the data into a useful knowledge, it is important to collect and analyze the data. At this stage the tactic knowledge is converted into explicit knowledge which is in turn very crucial for success of both transfer and application. The application of knowledge the utilization of knowledge will be facilitated if the assets of the knowledge are documented and shared. At this particular stage of the knowledge management, the creation of value is delivered. The transfer of knowledge - Knowledge can be modified and developed through the procedures of learning and distribution. Professional expectations China the maximum focus is given on the strict schedule as in China the trade runs on a strict punctuality. It is very important that in China the individuals need to arrive at the business meetings at the exact. Giving the training on this is very important and it will helpful for the Australians. Arriving early is a significant part of assigning respect (Hasslinger et al. 2016). The training of technological adaptation of China The training given on the technological training is very important. The advancement of technology is very significant. Technology is not that advanced in Australia as it is in China (Hakansson 2014). Potential challenges The potential challenges are as follows: Culture Shock if the culture shock takes place in that case the expatriate might decide to return home if they hear of anyone falling ill in their house. This will act as a potential challenge for the firm. The expatriates will prefer to return home rather than putting the life of their relatives in risk (Furham 2012). Language barrier the language barrier is another important factor is language barrier. The individual might feel alienated due to the difficulty they might face while communicating with the local community (Buckley et al. 2013). Differences in the living condition in this case, if the individual was residing in the developed country and had been shifted to any underdeveloped country, then it might pose a difficulty in the living condition. The protection in the local environment this is one of the main challenges that the individual will face that are the protection that they will get in the local environment (Royo et al. 2014). Lack of recognition if the individual gives his best performance but he is still unrecognized in that case he might feel the lack of recognition. He might as well have a lot better recognition in the previous organization that might pose as a challenge. Isolation due to the restricted interaction the individual might face isolation. At that point he might miss his relatives as well as friends. Lacks of recognition of foreign qualifications the expatriates are most often assigned from head quarters of an enhanced country to that of the emerging underdeveloped countries. In that case he might feel the lack of the recognition of his qualifications. Benefits 1.Lower labor costs it will benefit organization in the sense if they hire the individuals from Australia in that case they have to pay less to the labors as compared to the situation if they had to hire the workers from China itself. The costs as well as the availability of labor are both intertwined. It will help to be in the budget as there will some expenditure in terms of the training given. The labor cost will in turn benefit China (Green 2013). Communication the training program will help to augment the diversity of the workforce. The training provided will help to enhance the communication skill. This in turn will benefit the organization (Fujimori et al. 2014). Diversity it is vital to provide the training in order provide the explanation regarding the diverse individuals views as well as viewpoints. This also includes the methods that value diversity. Job satisfaction the program will in turn give the job satisfaction to the expatriates. It will also provide confidence among the workers. Enhancement of the image of the company the training program which will include the training related to ethics will help to maintain the principles among the workers. Innovative technologies the program will benefit the organization by helping the workers to get adapt to the innovative technologies. This will help the organization to prosper (Davenport 2013). Quality initiatives the organization will benefit as the expatriates will be able to maintain the total quality management and will also be clear about the basic concepts of the program that will gain profits for the organization (Appelbaum 2013). Conclusion In order to expand the firm in China, it is very important to take into consideration the benefits as well as the challenges that are related to the shifting of the employees from one place to another. The benefits include the Lower labor costs that will benefit China in the sense if they hire the individuals from Australia in that case they have to pay less to the labors as compared to the situation if they had to hire the workers from China itself. There are also few challenges that are related to the training program which includes language barrier, lack of recognition as well as isolation. Reference List: (SERIES), M. (2015). MAXIMIZING YOUR LEADERSHIP ABILITY (SERIES) - Insights to Advancing Your Professional Career. Appelbaum, E., 2013. The impact of new forms of work organization on workers.Work and Employment in the High Performance Workplace,120. Barbusse, A., 2015. Multiculturalism in Leadership. Findings and Analyses of Affects. Bhatia, A. and Kaur, L., 2014. Global Training Development trends Practices: An Overview.International Journal of Emerging Research in Management Technology ISSN: 2278,9359(3), p.8. Blog.soa.org. (2010). What Does the Competency Framework Mean for You? | Actuaries Society of Actuaries Insights on risk management and its opportunities from the actuarial profession. Buckley, R., de Vasconcellos Pegas, F. and Lin-Sheng, Z., 2013. Citations: Overcome the language barrier.Nature,501(7468), pp.492-492. Davenport, T.H., 2013.Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology. Harvard Business Press. Fujimori, M., Shirai, Y., Asai, M., Kubota, K., Katsumata, N. and Uchitomi, Y., 2014. Effect of communication skills training program for oncologists based on patient preferences for communication when receiving bad news: A randomized controlled trial.Journal of Clinical Oncology,32(20), pp.2166-2172. Furham, A., 2012. Culture shock.Journal of Psychology and Education,7, pp.9-22. Green, G.P., 2013. Communities are facing new and more powerful challenges to theirsurvival. Globalization threatens the economic base of manyofthem. International markets create new competition among localities for capital investments and generate pressures to lower labor costs.....Mobilizing Communities: Asset Building as a Community Development Strategy, p.1. Hakansson, H., 2014.Corporate Technological Behaviour (Routledge Revivals): Co-opertation and Networks. Routledge. Hasslinger, J., Sirvi, S., Berggren, S., Myers, L., Flygare, O., Tammimies, K. and Blte, S., 2016. A comparative randomized controlled pragmatic trial of neurofeedback and working memory training for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: protocol.Translational Developmental Psychiatry,4. Hussain, S.A. and Murthy, O.N., 2013. HR metrics: A benchmarking towards excellency.Journal of Business Management Social Sciences Research (JBM SSR),2(9), pp.23-27. Kataria, N. and Sethi, S., 2013. Making successful expatriates in multinational corporations.Asian Journal of Business and Economics,3(3.4). LUNA360.com. (2016). Language Training - LUNA360.com. Mischel, W., 2013.Personality and assessment. Psychology Press. Osland, J.S., Li, M. and Wang, Y., 2014. Introduction: The state of global leadership research.Advances in global leadership,8, pp.1-16. Royo, S., Yetano, A. and Acerete, B., 2014. Eà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Participation and Environmental Protection: Are Local Governments Really Committed?.Public Administration Review,74(1), pp.87-98. Scheiblea, D.H., 2015. Expatriation as an Element of Diversity Management.Sociology,5(5), pp.347-353. The Conversation. (2013). What would a Chinese currency conversion deal mean for Australia?. Townley, B., 2014. Selection and appraisal: reconstituting.New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals), p.92. Treurnicht, M., Pagel, J., Esler, K.J., Schutteà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Vlok, A., Nottebrock, H., Kraaij, T., Rebelo, A.G. and Schurr, F.M., 2016. Environmental drivers of demographic variation across the global geographical range of 26 plant species.Journal of Ecology,104(2), pp.331-342.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Symbolism In Strange News From Another Star Essays - Concepts

Symbolism in Strange News From Another Star Symbolism in ?Strange News From Another Star? Symbolism in ?Strange News From Another Star? ?Strange News from another Star? is found to be a story which contains numerous symbols which in many cases contain some important, abstract information. Symbolism is something which is very difficult to explain due to the fact that not everyone sees the so mentioned symbol. They don't quite see it as you, because no two minds are the same, which implies the fact that they don't react equally to something which must be internally interpreted as it is not present as mere information. On this essay I will try to back up with concise words, why I believe that something is representing something abstract, as well as with information from the author. One of the first symbols that we may find, is actually the star. A star is known as a gaseous sphere, which with nuclear fusion and fission may actually give out huge amounts of energy. Obviously a star is a inhospitable place, so I believ e that the star actually represents a planet or a country. The flowers, which have a very important part in the plot of the book are a symbol as well. They, have always, as least as far as I know, had a special message. A message of love, tranquillity, joy and they represent the harmony of nature itself. In the first stage of the book, we may see how a problem, the earthquake, has made the people in the star loose a vast amount of flowers. They lost some of the tranquillity and joy that had invaded their lives. And when they look for a messenger to go find flowers, they're talking about re-finding the tranquillity and lack of fear that they wanted. I believe that the burials, actually represent life. It may sound a bit peculiar, but in real life once you get accustomed to living a happy, joyful life, you then will not be able to live without it and so, you will need to do practically anything, as the people in the star did, to find the ?flowers?. The symbol of the de ity that the youth saw in the temple, I understand that by the way in which the story progresses the symbol is actually representing the fact that war, or trouble (the bird of prey) destroys all happiness or good hearted feelings. I think that the representation is what I mentioned above, because when the messenger ?goes? to the foreign star he sees destruction and a total lack of joy. We may find another symbol which goes from pages 55-59. It's the conversation that the youth holds with the king who's nation is in war. It's apparently a symbol because even-though it has important, concrete information for the story, there's more to the phrases themselves. They can be abstracted and that's when I see that the conversation is actually trying to explain the way in which the humanity is being erratic by trying to find happiness. To achieve happiness, you must first get rid of sadness, poverty, trouble, etc (war is the symbol used to represent all of them). It may not be found just by ignoring the others. In the king's star they weren't happy because all of the nouns mentioned above were present. A proof of that may be the fact that when trouble, the earthquake, arouse in the province of the youth then they lost the peace and tranquillity, represented by the flowers that they had had. And ultimately I will mention the symbol which the black bird represents, it's what I believe is the image of the harshness, horror and terror of war. Which may reach such levels of futility that it may apparently only be seen as a dream, or even more correct, would be to say that it's like a nightmare.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Language of Performing Arts Coursework essays

Language of Performing Arts Coursework essays In performing arts our first section was dance, we choreographed a short dance, which lasted about two minutes, which incorporated different elements of dance. We learnt about each element and how to apply them to dance, during a series of lessons. Firstly through improvisation we started to produce a motif, which would act as our base to expand on. The word motif means the central movement theme of a dance which is developed, repeated and varied (Linda Rickett Young, 1996). During our lessons our class learnt that changing the direction, tempo without changing its order could vary a motif. Motifs can add interest to a simple phrase and give alternative meaning so that repetition does not bore the audience. We developed our motif through rehearsal. For example we repeated certain parts of the motif and with different intensions, we did this by expanding our motif adding an extra gesture then bringing the motif through again this time in a different level, which gave the motif more variation. We also mixed in other motifs at the end of our performance and repeated our original phrase to bring it to a familiar conclusion. A motif in dance could be likened to the hook line of a musical composition or piece of drama. It could be a simple melody line to which a piece of music is built around and repeated. In our dance we used four beats to a bar, in a two bar phrase we used this because it is even and fits well to perform to. The basic actions of dance are: elevation, stillness, gestures, turning, and movement, jumping, stepping and travelling. Most of these if not all are used in drama, for example gestures are very important for actors because they can show feelings and expressions in a piece of drama. These can be very powerful in both art forms especially when accompanied with body and facial expressions. Within our piece we used running and turning to simply move from one space ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Use Footnotes and Endnotes

How to Use Footnotes and Endnotes How to Use Footnotes and Endnotes Footnotes and endnotes both let you add extra information in an essay or college paper. But what should you include in these notes? And when should you use them? In this post, we run through everything you need to know about using footnotes and endnotes in academic writing. What Are Footnotes and Endnotes? Footnotes appear at the bottom or â€Å"foot† of the page. You can therefore put extra information in a footnote, such as source details for a citation, without interrupting the flow of the main text. To indicate a footnote, you can add a superscript number to the text, such as at the end of this sentence.1 These numbers then correspond to numbered notes at the bottom of the page. A footnote or three. Endnotes are like footnotes, but they appear together at the end of the document rather than at the bottom of each page. Endnotes are thus less immediately accessible for the reader than footnotes, but they can help ensure that pages with multiple notes don’t become cluttered. If you are not sure which to use, check your style guide for advice. Footnotes and Endnotes in Microsoft Word To insert a footnote or endnote in a Microsoft Word document, you need to: Go to References Footnotes on the main ribbon Select either Insert Footnote or Insert Endnote as required Type your note in the newly created footnote/endnote Footnote tools in MS Word. You can also customize the style of footnotes and endnotes by clicking on the arrow in the bottom right of the Footnotes section of the References tab (or by going to Insert Footnotes in Word for Mac). This will open a new window where you can select your preferred formatting options. When to Use Footnotes and Endnotes The main uses of footnotes and endnotes are as follows: To add a footnote citation in referencing systems such as MHRA and Chicago, with full source information also given in a bibliography at the end of the document. Endnotes are also used for citations in some systems, such as in IEEE or Vancouver referencing, where numbers in the text point to an entry in a reference list at the end of the document. To add non-essential commentary on something in the main text of your document. For example, if your research has raised an interesting question that is not directly relevant to your current work, you could mention it in a footnote or endnote. This lets you acknowledge the question – showing the reader that you haven’t simply ignored or failed to notice it – but without interrupting the flow of prose in the main document. Keep in mind, too, that some referencing systems use in-text parenthetical citations. As such, you should only reference a source in a footnote or endnote if your school has asked you to do it this way. Do Notes Count Towards the Word Limit? We’re often asked whether to include footnotes and endnotes in the word count for papers. Different schools have different rules about this, so you will have to check your style guide. However, you should never use these supplementary notes to cheat the word count. The key here is that essential information should never go in a footnote or endnote. If you do move vital evidence or analysis to a note, the person marking your work may ignore it. And reducing the word count is never more important than putting forward a full, coherent argument. If you do need to reduce the word count in an essay, you have other options, such as rewriting wordy sentences or cutting repetition. Having your work proofread is a great way to ensure that your writing is always clear and concise, too, so let us know if you’d like any help.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Fundamentals of Character, Deliberation and Moral Problems in Essay

The Fundamentals of Character, Deliberation and Moral Problems in Training - Essay Example They will all be analyzed here forthwith. II. The â€Å"Slippery Slope† The â€Å"slippery slope† is basically a domino effect that takes place after one moral principle is compromised, leading to other compromises in principle. As stated by Delattre (2002), â€Å"[T]he slippery slope of corruption begins with any gratuity, including the well-known cup of coffee† (pp. 77). This particular example is referring to police, although many different public servants could also be considered on par with police so much so that they indeed do receive special treatment as a member of a certain group of public servants (i.e., judges, lawyers, senators, Congresspersons, city board members, aldermen, etc.). For example, if a judge was given a bribe in order to help sway the decision of his very first court case, this could be a premier example of the slippery slope. The judge isn’t really supposed to do that, but perhaps the judge figures it’s just a one-time act ion. Later on, when other lawyers petition the judge with more bribes in the form of financial assistance, that judge may be hard-pressed to say no. However, while some people accept gratuities to be a simple fact of life in order for public officials to perform (sometimes illegal) favors in return—performing these favors in return for gratuities are a form of bribery and should not be tolerated. Although people may be used to giving gratuities which they may deem harmless, the damage has been done. III. The Society-At-Large Hypothesis Within the society-at-large hypothesis, the main idea here is that society corrupts people with political or otherwise hierarchical powers. According to Delattre (2002), O.W. Wilson stated, â€Å"[For example, in Chicago] it had been customary to give [people in public service] gratuities†¦[with a] certain progression of events [to] follow†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pp. 69). This allowed certain public officials to get away with crimes that went unch ecked. Without a doubt, nepotism and cronyism still play a large part in politics in several different cities and nations, due to the nature of the job. It has long been considered standard to offer, for example, that free cup of a coffee to a cop on the beat by a local food mart. However, that may be taken as a sign that public servants deserve more than just that, in effect producing a society which expects its leaders to take bribes or be corrupt—effectively proffering corruption. IV. The Structural/Affiliation Hypothesis The structural or affiliation hypothesis, developed by Arthur Niedenhoffer, posits that corruption is indoctrinated into new recruits of organizations by the higher-ups. For example, if a rookie cop sees his superior shaking down drug dealers for monetary gain, he might very well start doing the same thing by way of affiliation. The corruption is also a structural problem which is built in to the police culture. Other organizational cultures—for ex ample, in corporate offices—might have similar structural difficulties. Enron is a great example of a company that had corruption increasing the farther one went up the chain of executives. V. The Rotten Apple Theory The rotten apple theory basically states that there is poor hiring, training, and supervision within an organization, effectively putting individuals who already have a track record of corruption in positions of power. The rotten apple

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Moral Conflict in Antigone by Sophocles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Moral Conflict in Antigone by Sophocles - Essay Example On the other hand, her civil disobedience has widespread repercussions on the integrity of the ruler and the stability of the state. This paper analyzes and discusses the varied moral conflicts in this play. Several conflicts can be found in Antigone, particularly the conflict between authority and family duties, natural law and positive law, conscience and civic ethics, and duties to man and duties to the gods. The play explores the conflict between authority and family duties. Creon already decrees that Polyneices will not have a proper burial as a traitor to Thebes. He says: Him I decree that none should dare entomb, That none should utter wail or loud lament, But leave his corpse unburied, by the dogs And vultures mangled, foul to look upon. (Sophocles lines 233-236). Antigone, however, is willing to contradict her King and decides to bury Polyneices, because she is bound to her family duties. She asserts this to Ismene, who dissuades her from disobeying Creon: â€Å"At least he is my brother-and yours, too,/....I will not prove false to him† (Sophocles 51-52). Ismene reminds Antigone that she should obey the King's authority: â€Å"We twain shall perish, if, against the law,/We brave our sovereign’s edict and his power† (Sophocles 67-68). ... He tells him: â€Å"Yea, to learn much, and know the time to yield,/Brings no disgrace... (Sophocles 806-807). He asks his father to yield to other people's reason. For him, the law is not absolute if it will hurt personal ties. Creon, however, will not listen to a woman or his own counsel and family. He says: â€Å"Shall we at our age stoop to learn from him† (Sophocles 823). He undermines the youth of his son. For him, Haemon does not have the experience, and consequently, the wisdom, to rule over him. Creon also says: â€Å"...While I live, at least,/A woman shall not rule† (Sophocles 592-593). He will, most especially, not change his law for a woman, which depicts misogyny during his time. Thus, for Creon, his law is supreme over all family ties. Antigone also illustrates the conflict between positive and natural law. Positive law refers to the law of the state, while natural law pertains to the â€Å"unwritten law† (Burns 546). Aristotle argues that Antigon e depicts the conflict between positive and natural law, or between human nature and the â€Å"polis† (Burns 546). Creon emphasizes his will as the will of the state to Haemon: â€Å"The state, I pray,/It is not reckoned his who governs it?† (Sophocles 841-842). Antigone questions the validity of Creon's positive law: â€Å"Who traced these laws for all the sons of men;/Nor did I deem thy edicts strong enough,/Coming from mortal man, to set at naught† (Sophocles 495-497). She argues that the unwritten or natural laws are more important than positive laws. Natural laws have the strength of permanence, while positive laws change with the changing of rulers. Furthermore, natural law refers to what the people feel as right, or something is universal.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

I.C.T Unit 3c Essay Example for Free

I.C.T Unit 3c Essay In this part of the coursework I am going to layout all the needs of a person who has mobility impairment. His name is Scott and he is a 19-year-old engineering student with muscular dystrophy. Scott needs special technologies in order to keep his life running as normal as possible. Some technologies that Scott may need are:   Tracker Ball Head Tracker   Screen Keyboard Brain Switch   Voice Recognition Tracker Ball: A tracker ball is an input device where a finger is used to rotate a ball. This moves a pointer to the screen. A tracker ball is very useful to Scott. This helps him to move the pointer around easily. The tracker ball is a replacement for a normal mouse. Scott has troubles gripping the mouse because of his deficiency. It is easier for him to use a tracker ball because this allows him to gently move the ball just with one finger. This is easier because his hands can shake quite a lot and he cannot control this so using just one finger can make life so much easier and its not as frustrating because he dont need to use up all his energy. The tracker ball also doesnt take up as much space as a normal mouse, because a normal mouse you need sufficient space to be able to move it around freely while as the tracker ball stays in one place and all that is needed is to move the ball in the middle around with your hand. A tracker ball lets Scott run an independent life without needing the help of others. A tracker ball is also needed to use other technologies such as On Screen Keyboard. Head tracker: A tracker is used with head movements, Scott can position the cursor on screen and left and right mouse clicks can be made with a suck-puff switch. To allow Scott to move around freely, communication between the head tracker and the computer is normally carried out via a wire-less infra-red transmitter and receiver. This helps Scott immensely because if his hand becomes tired because it shakes a lot and he tries very hard to keep it stable and control the tracker ball at the same time. When this occurs he can resort to the head tracker and this makes it easier as he only needs to use his head. The head tracker is also used for other technologies like the On Screen Keyboard. This technology does have its disadvantages, one of them is that he has to keep a very stable neck and he has to keep his head up right in order to be able to reach the point he wants. There are sometimes very small buttons which Scott can sometimes miss and has to try various times to be able to click on a button of some sort. This can become quite stressing after a while so the head tracker needs a lot of practice and needs getting use to. On Screen Keyboard: An on screen keyboard is easier for Scott to use because of his deficiency and his hands shake a lot he cannot control the keys properly because his hand is not stable he cannot tap the right keys and can sometimes become very frustrating. So using the onscreen keyboard he can easily access the letters by clicking on them with his tracker ball or head tracker, which he finds easier to use. Without these two technologies he could not use the on screen keyboard. He can also use all the numbers and punctuation that is needed. This can also be easier for him in terms of his head movement. He does not need to be lowering his head to look at the keyboard and then looking up again at the screen, with the On Screen Keyboard, he can keep a constant look at the screen and this doesnt need head movement. Of course, the on screen keyboard can become a bit tiring and a bit useless, because Scott has to find every letter and click on it and this can take quite a while. Speech Recognition: Voice or speech recognition is the ability of a machine or program to receive and interpret dictation. This can be so much easier for Scott, because he has trouble using a normal keyboard because of his deficiency he uses an on screen keyboard, but if Scott wants to write something long or something complex that he cant really use the on screen keyboard because he will get tired and it can get a bit annoying, because he has to type letter by letter. Speech recognition makes it easier because all he needs to do is dictate to the computer what he wants the computer to write down. Of course, he has to make his speech loud and clear in order for the computer to understand what hes saying. Obviously a lot of the technologies have their disadvantages. All voice-recognition systems or programs make errors. Screaming children, barking dogs, and loud external conversations can produce false input. Much of this can be avoided only by using the system in a quiet room. There is also a problem with words that sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings for example, hear and here. This technology could take quite some long to get use to, as the computer needs to get use to Scotts voice. Brain Switch: A brain switch allows a severely disabled person to control on/off devices, for example, light switches, a heating switch or other environmental controls. The switch is operated by measuring the biosignals through a contact on the forehead. Scott can be taught to operate the switch by state of mind a calm, quiet state leaves the switch off and an active, excited state switches it on. Although Scott is not severely damaged, this can make his life easier for him. He might not need it urgently or it may not be a must have in his life but this can make his life easier. If he has small light switches or the electrical alarm for his oven is too small for him to be able to get it turned off quickly then the switch can help him turn this off. Small things like this can really change his life to make it easier because these small things are what he does regularly and this way he knows that he can count on the brain switch to help him out. But I know there are people who need it more than Scott would but it can still be a technology to help Scott with his daily life. In conclusion I think that most of these technologies do make Scotts life much easier to handle with his deficiency. Obviously not all of these technologies are 100% effective and every technology has their disadvantages as I have listed above but there are more advantages to the technologies then there are disadvantages and I think that as long as it helps Scotts even a little bit, its very successful because its helping the difficulties of someones life so much easier. [A1] [A1]You need to conclude your work by saying how these technologies either meet or do not meet Scots needs.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Portuguese Immigration to Canada Essay -- Immigration

The Portuguese immigrated to Canada around the 19th century. It all started in the year 1953, when a group of Portuguese pioneers immigrated to Canada (Moura, 2003). Once the first couple of Portuguese pioneers crossed the ocean to immigrate into Canada, others followed and sort of started a wave. However, in 1957 a volcano erupted, known as the Capelinhos, which end up making Portuguese families and pioneers move to North America (Morrison & James, 2009), because the living conditions had changed. Many Portuguese people immigrated to Canada in order to make a better living, looking for a job for them to survive and to not serve the war. This paper will discuss the Portuguese minority ethnic group in Canada, and to take a further look into details. It will discuss the Portuguese arrival into Canada, and the statistical characteristics of the Portuguese population in Canada. It will also mention the number of Portuguese that there are, where they settled when they first arrived into C anada, problems they encountered in regard to prejudice and lastly converse about whether or not they had any presence in the criminal justice system. Portuguese came to Canada for numerous of reasons. The first reason is for political factors such as the increase of fascism in Portugal. Secondly, for the economical factors such as â€Å"relocating for work such as whaling and fishing, and later farming, textile, and leather factory work† (Morrison & James, 2009). The intriguing aspect about Portuguese families immigrating to Canada is that most of the husbands immigrated firstly into Canada before their wives. The reason being why they immigrated to Canada before their wives was to help start a life in Canada for their own family. Towards the 1950’s and 1... ...tated that the Portuguese ethnicity students have definitely increased (Higgs, 1990). This comes to conclude that even though Portuguese people had a hard time when they first got to Canada, stuff have definitely changed now a days as they are living the life they imagined they would once they would leave Portugal. Works Cited Fagundes, F. (2007). Charles Reis Felix's "Through a Portagee Gate": Lives Parceled Out in Stories. Melus, 32(2), 151-163. Higgs, D. (1990). Portuguese migration in global perspective. Toronto: Multicultural History Society of Ontario. Morrison, M., & James, S. (2009). Portuguese Immigrant Families: The Impact of Acculturation. Family Process, 48(1), 151-166. doi:10.1111/j.1545-5300.2009.01273.x Moura, M. d., & Soares, I. (2003). Pionniers: l'avant-garde de l'immigration portuguaise : Canada 1953. MontreÃÅ' al: M. de Almeida Moura.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A Case Study of Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom Essay

Both parents worked long hours, Tammy’s father is a pie and cookie chef at the locate bread factory, he leaves for work at 5:00 a. m. and gets home by 3:00 in the evening. Her mother works at the mall as a sales manager at one of the clothing stores. Tammy’s mom sees all the children off to school before she has to be at work, she works 10:00 a. m. until 9:00 p. m. at night. She is usually home to say good-night to the children. There are five children in the family: Richard is 6 years old and in the first grade, Barbara is 9 years old and in the fourth grade, Allen is16 years old and a 10th grader, Diana is a 14 year  old 8th grader who has a learning-disability. A disorder in the basic psychological processes involving understanding or the use of language, which the disorder may reveal itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do Mathematics, (Heward, 2009, p 173) caused by a brain injury when she was 3 years old. Diana has always been in the special needs classroom. This is the first year of school in which Diana will be mainstream within a general classroom of 8th graders in the middle school. Researchers have consistently found a higher-than-usual  incidence of behavioral problems among students with learning disabilities, (Cullinan, 2007). Tammy is Diana’s 12 year old, younger sister and will be in the 7th grade at the middle school, too. Tammy has begin to realize and notice that her older sister is different from her and most of the other students at there school. Tammy fights with any student who tease Diana. Three weeks ago the girls’ mom was called in for a meeting with teachers and school counselors concerning Tammy’s behavior. Tammy has always been a good student, easy to get along with and respectful toward the teachers and school property. School started two months ago and Tammy has been misbehaving for the pass six weeks. In her classes, especially in A Case Study of Disruptive Behavior in The Classroom 3 homeroom, she verbally fights with the other students, she throws paper clips and other items in the room, sometimes at students and other times at the wall. Tammy has become withdrawn at school, she eats lunch with her sister and see her back to her next classroom. Tammy has been getting to most of her classes after the bell rings and want give a reason for it, instead she has become sullen and angry with her teachers. Tammy’s homeroom and P. E. teachers have called her a side and talked with her, this has not made a change in her attitude or behavior. Frustrated with Tammy’s disruptive behaviors, her teachers met after school to decide what to do about Tammy and other students’ behaviors in their classrooms, it has been decided that these students will have a one-on-one meeting with one of their teachers to review and add, if needed to their homeroom rules and procedures. One of Tammy’s teacher has no homeroom, she is free for the hour to discuss the classroom procedures and rules with Tammy during homeroom. These are the disruptive behaviors that Tammy’s teachers wish to correct: deliberate acting -out in classes; verbally fighting with peers and throwing items in the classroom; coming to class late, without a reason and she is not participating or working in class; she is withdrawn, sullen, and defiant; disrespectful when talking to her teachers and peers. The teacher realize that she and her coworkers have not been effectively teaching the students. She sets out to learn how to effectively teach and provide an interesting, stimulating, smoothly functioning, well-managed, and safe and secure learning environment for all students  at the middle school. The curriculum and lesson plans can be too challenging for some student, the student(s) can become disinterested, which can lead to disruptive behavior. There are a variety of learning styles, also family and environments problems, mental and physical challenges can be cause of disruptive behaviors in students, (Heward, 2009). Disruptive behaviors interferes with students’ personal, social, and educational development. A Case Study of Disruptive Behavior in The Classroom 4 These disruptive classroom behaviors leads to disciplinary consequences, which leads to thedevelopment of acceptable   classroom rules and procedures. The number one factor governing the students ability to learn is how well the teacher manages the classroom. A well managed classroom is task oriented and predictable, which includes effective teaching, which starts with teaching students to follow classroom rules and procedures the first weeks of school, (Gibbs, 2011). Each homeroom class at the middle school has developed classroom rules and procedures, which Tammy helped her homeroom class to developed. Because her behavior is disruptive in  most of classes, the teachers in each of Tammy classes have decided Canter’s three step behavior management cycle is needed and will be used to help Tammy correct and develop responsibility for her behaviors. Canter, (1992) three step â€Å"Behavior Management Cycle,† is a theory that outline how to deal with children discipline. I. Verbally behavior: effectively communicate the explicit directions you expect students to follow. II. Physical movement: use behavior narrative to support students following your direction, (students following classroom rules and procedures are to be praise). III. Participation: take corrective action with students who are still not following the classroom’s rules and procedures. All consequences need not be negative or harsh, such as the case with Tammy. When dealing with young adults its’ good to establish a rapport, its’ the most important ingredient, which causes a teenage student’s reluctance to be controlled into a willingness to be guided. Tammy is called outside her homeroom class by her teacher, once in the hall and out of hearing distance or the path-way of her peers, her teacher orally points out the rules. The rules Tammy and her peers  developed to eliminate classroom disruptive behaviors, along with corrective action or the A Case Study of Disruptive Behavior in The Classroom 5 consequences for students who do not comply with the rules and procedures. Tammy is re-mined of her verbal abuse toward her teachers and peers; she is asked, why do you throw paper clips and other items in the classroom; why do you no longer participate in class discussion or turn in completed homework assignment. Also, why are you late to class lately and why are you sullen and often withdrawn? Your attitude, your negative and harmful behavior toward others must change. You are old enough to no throwing things in the classroom can be harmful to others and you should not do it. You are talking out in the class and fighting with your peers. All these behaviors go against the rules of the classrooms. You use to make it to your class in five minutes like all the others. Your assignments were always completed in class and were correctly and neatly done. You was a smiling cheerful student and pleasant to everyone. All your teachers have notice changes in your behaviors. You are expected to change your attitude and behaviors; there should be no more disrespectful  talk to your teachers or peers, there will be no fighting in the halls or bathrooms, you will get to classes on time and follow the direction to complete your class assignments. Your parents have been mailed a letter, if necessary a meeting with a counselor and your parents will follow. Tammy is a preteen in middle school with an older sister, who should be in high school, but she has a learning disability. Diana is a special needs student who is being mainstream into general classes. This has caused Tammy to notice her sister’s learning disability behavior and  the way other students tease her for the fist time. Tammy feels she should protect her sister and fights with those students that tease Diana. Tammy refuse to listen to Diana, when she tells her the teasing is o k and she do not listen to it. After Tammy’s talk with her teacher, Tammy’s disruptive behaviors stopped. Her teacher also, set up a meeting with Tammy, Diana, their parents and the a school counselor for families. The A Case Study of Disruptive Behavior in The Classroom 6 motivation behind Tammy’s disruptive behaviors was discover and handle. Rational and  irrational behaviors can be explained after what motivate a person to act is understood. , (Aveyard-Barry, 2013). Tammy has become a pleasant student. She no longer walk Diana to her classroom, but get to her own on time. Tammy do not feels she has to take care of her sister and is no longer resentful and angry. She is a happy 12 year old, middle school student. Tammy enjoy school and being with her peers. The school counselor place Diana in a homeroom with several girls on the after school sports teams of basketball, volleyball, and tennis. They encouraged Diana to join a team and has taken  it upon themselves to practice extra with her. They invited Diana to sit with them and some other students at lunch. *(I substitute for most classes, but wish to teach secondary school Mathematics and hope I could apply this behavior management to high school students. ) A Case Study of Disruptive Behavior in The Classroom 7 References Aveyard-Barry, M. , (2013), What Are the Causes of Behavior in a Classroom? www. ehow. com/print/info_7929261_causes-behavior-classroom . . . Canter, L. , Canter, M. ,(1976), Assertive Discipline: A Take-Charge Approach for Today’s Educator, p 72, 73.  Gibbs, N. , (2011), Workable Classroom and Procedures, Building Classroom Discipline, tenth edition, Ch. 6, p 106-111, http//gcumedia. com/digetal-resources/pearson/2011/building-classroom-discipline_ebook_10e. php. Heward, W. , (2009), Ohio State University, Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education, ninth edition, p 173, 185. What Are The Steps of Canter’s Behavior Management Cycle? ,wiki. answers. com/Q/What . . . Canter’s_Behavior_Management_Cycle. Sarvesh, Motivation And Behavior, www. motivation. com. in/motivation-and-behavior. html.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Life and Work of Mary Kay Ash

The corporate world has seen many great entrepreneurs, but May Kay Ash has a unique distinction of founding a company when it was very rare for married women to work outside the home. Mary Kay introduced a new way of life for women and opened up doors of unending opportunities for them. She spent her 80 years of life which every women in the world could dream off. Born on May 12, 1918, in Houston Texas, she had a promising childhood. Her mother worked at a restaurant, she did chores at home, attended to her sick father, and excelled at school. She brought home straight As and won every competition of public speaking. She outsold every other student from Girl Scout cookies to school-event tickets (â€Å"Mary Kay Ash,† 2006). She wanted to become a doctor until an aptitude test showed her selling ability outranked her science ability. After having decided to get into sales, she joined Stanley Home Products in 1938. Energetic and a quick learner, Ash found that direct sales suited her well. She rose at Stanley to unit manager and served there till 1952. Following a divorce from her husband, Ash moved from her job at Stanley Home Products to a similar sales slot at World Gift Company, where she remained for another 11 years and became National Training Director (â€Å"Biography,† 2005). While working at Stanley Home Products and World Gift Company, she broke every sales record and won numerous awards. She was however frustrated due to the discriminating attitude towards women. Her male colleagues she trained were promoted ahead of her and were getting twice her salary. After having served for 25 years, she finally decided to retire. Soon after her retirement she started writing a book for women. This book eventually turned into a marketing plan for a â€Å"dream company,† which Mary decided to implement herself (â€Å"Mary Kay Ash,† 2006). Mary Kay bought a skin care cream formula and enlisted her second husband to handle operations and started recruiting friends as beauty consultants for the venture she called â€Å"Beauty by Mary Kay.† Her husband died just before the launch of company but her children helped her to recoup and compose herself, and go ahead with the plan. Mary Kay formally launched her company on Friday, September 13, 1963. She wrote in her autobiography, â€Å"I knew I would never have a second chance to put my dream into action.† She started the company with investment of $5000. In the first calendar year, the sales reached $198,000 and by 1983 Mary Kay, Inc. sales exceeded $300 million. The company at present sells more than 200 products in eight product categories: facial skin care, cosmetics, fragrances, nutritional supplements, sun protection, nail care, body care and men's skin care (â€Å"Mary Kay Ash,† 2006). Mary Kay Ash worked day and night which contributed badly to her health. In 1996, she survived a stroke. Before her death in 2001, the business which she started with 9 beauty consultants had reached to over 800,000 representatives in more than 30 markets. The sales reported by the company in 2000 was $1.3 billion which even crossed $2.2 billion in 2005. During the period of Mary Kay’s life, there were 151 women who earned more than $1 million in commissions. Also during this period more than 10,000 pink Cadillacs were awarded to employees (â€Å"Company Information,† 2006). Mary Kay Inc. today remains one of the largest privately held firms in the United States. Mary Kay lived her life with simple and solid principles that never wavered. As a committed daughter, wife, mother and an employer, she was always sustained by her deep and abiding faith in God. Through her uncomplicated formula for success – put God first, family second and career third – she made the world a better place specially for women (â€Å"Mary Kay,† 2006). References â€Å"Biography.† (2005). Encyclopedia of World Biography. Retrieved September 29, 2006, from http://www.bookrags.com/biography/mary-kay-wagner-ash/ â€Å"Company Information.† (2006). Mary Kay Website. Retrieved September 29, 2006, from http://www.marykay.com/company/company_companyinformation.aspx?tab=home â€Å"Mary Kay.† (2006). Mary Kay Tribute. Retrieved September 29, 2006, from http://www.marykaytribute.com/ â€Å"Mary Kay Ash.† (2006). Mary Kay Website. Retrieved September 29, 2006, from http://www.marykay.com/company/marykayash_herlifeandlegacy.aspx?tab=home ; ; ;

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Perfect Storm essays

The Perfect Storm essays In the book The Perfect Storm by Sebastian Junger, the Satori rescue was depicted very accurately. While searching on the Internet, I found many instances where other people talked about the information Junger gave the reader. Also, there were many pictures that helped me to see what Junger was writing about in his book. I was very impressed with how well he was able to tell the story, while keeping all of the facts in tact. Many writers tend to play with words in a way that will lead the reader to believe something far from what really happened and far from the truth. Junger was a very impressive writer in The Perfect Storm. He was able to tell the story like it truly happened, while not bending the words of others. This made for a very accurate and good book. With the story of the Satori rescue, Junger added numerous personal accounts from the people who were involved. By doing so, he was able to draw the reader further into the story and help them fully understand what was happening. Also, it helped to put a timeline of the incident and introduce the reader to what a storm can be like when on a boat on the water. Junger gave the background of what the fisherman had been through before and how this specific storm related to them. He was able to give the reader history of what kind of storms the boat and fisherman had been through in the previous years and what they were used to going through on their fishing trips. Another important aspect of the book was the logs, broadcasts, and radio transmissions that were added into Jungers writing. There were personal logs that were written by the fisherman. This alone shows the reader of how much was researched and found by Junger before he began writing. The logs were explaining what the fisherman were going through at the time of the storm and what state of mind they were in at the time. The broadcasts from the weather service were also put in the book. By doing...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Make Blue Fire with the Easy Method

How to Make Blue Fire with the Easy Method Making blue fire is an easy DIY project, and theres more than one way to do it. Here are a couple of pointers for making it yourself. Natural Blue Fire The easiest way to make blue fire is to burn a chemical that naturally produces a blue flame. Most types of alcohol burn as blue fire:Â   Ethanol (e.g., rum, vodka)Methanol (wood alcohol, Heet fuel treatment)Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) Natural gas also burns with a blue flame. Easy Method of Making Blue Fire Several metal salts burn with a blue flame, such as certain copper, arsenic, and lead compounds. Antimony and lead are toxic, but you can use copper(I) chloride to produce blue fire. Add a small amount of water to copper(I) chloride to dissolve the salt. If you cannot find copper(I) chloride, it is possible to make this chemical yourself. Copper(II) chloride is more widely available, but it will burn with a blue-green flame.Soak a flammable material with the copper chloride solution. Good choices include sawdust or pine cones.Allow the material to dry.When you light it or add it to a normal fire you will get blue fire.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Degree Program Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Degree Program - Personal Statement Example Of equal importance is the Software Applications for Healthcare Professionals course. As technology continues to transform work processes, the information and technology skills will impart me with the current trends and operation of software in the medical sector. Furthermore, it will complement my innovative skills in solving any arising problems in medical data processing and transcription. Over and above this, the knowledge gained will enhance my data communication skills through the effective processing and transcribing of data to my fellow medical colleagues. On the other hand, the elective course on Health Care Delivery and Information Management will enhance my knowledge in the systematic processes in the collection, processing and storing of data pertaining to health care delivery. Moreover, I foresee the eventuality that the knowledge gained will enable me to solve problems pertaining to information management in health care centers that are increasingly burdened in maintain ing records. However, I do expect to encounter a bit of challenge with respect to the ‘Software Applications for Healthcare Professionals.’ There is the possibility of knowledge confusion and application mix up of the software learning modules. This is due to the variety of application software applications vital for healthcare professionals. Despite this challenge I am committed to pay sufficient attention, knowledge and inquisitiveness pertaining to any issue that may arise during the learning process. It is essential to note that not only one but most of my classmates chose the elective course on Healthcare Delivery and Information Management. This was of significant interest to me not because of the similarity in choice, but in reiterating its importance of it in advancing my career and

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Land Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 2

Land Law - Essay Example A 2002 being to create a land registration system that is an accurate reflection of the true state of title to a registered estate of land at any time. As such, it is arguable that the narrow system implemented by the LRA 2002 renders the unregistered system a more useful tool to protect legal interests against purchasers of the legal estate. Furthermore, one of the central purposes of the 2002 Act was â€Å"to reduce the number of overriding interests which are binding upon a purchaser of a registered title† (Sexton 122). However, Sexton argues that the â€Å"2002 Act achieves this purpose only to a very limited degree† (122). Accordingly, whilst the overall intention of the 2002 Act is to reduce the number of third party equitable interests which are binding on a purchaser, it is questionable how far the LRA 2002 has gone to achieve this. The focus of this analysis is to evaluate whether the unregistered system facilitates the protection of legal interests against a purchaser of the legal estate with a comparative analysis of the registered land system particularly in context of the overhaul implemented by the LRA 2002. Additionally, this paper will consider whether it is easier for third party equitable interests to be protected where title is registered particularly in context of the LRA 2002. With regard to unregistered land, the general principle is that all legal interests against an unregistered title will be binding on a purchaser (Smith). As such, this general principle would appear to support the statement that it is easier to protect legal interests against a purchaser of the legal estate in unregistered land; as with registered land, legal interests are required to be registered unless they fall within the category of overriding interests (Dixon). Moreover, the system of overriding interests has been inherently complex, creating uncertainty for the purchaser vis-à  -vis registered titles. Alternatively, the wider scope for protection of proprietary

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Course project part 1 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Course project part 1 - Coursework Example Selling and administrative expense rose proportionately more than the sales growth (55 percent). This was compounded by the 185 percent increase in interest expense which significantly eroded these gains. Otherwise, all other cost elements were under control. The net income thus went up by only 28 per cent, and because of the issuance of new shares during the period, earnings per share increased by only 9 percent. Net profit margin in the second year relative to sales dipped slightly compared to the year before despite the the growth in sales. While operating profit margin was better than the previous level by two percentage points, the near three-fold increase in interest expense was the main reason why net profit return on sales did not improve. Total assets nearly doubled during the period due to the 113 percent increase in net plant and equipment. Accounts receivable, due to the drive to increase sales, more than doubled. There was an increase in cash and cash equivalents of 40 per cent. The increases in fixed assets and receivables were financed mainly from short-term and long-term debt which together caused total liabilities to rise by 134 percent (more than $600,000). The issuance of new shares and retained earnings accounted for the balance of almost $300,000 increase in total assets. Profitability. The 44 per cent increase in sales did not effectively translate into an improved return on total assets because of the purchase of additional plant and equipment during the year. A corrected return on assets can be obtained by averaging the year 1 and year 2 assets in the computation. With an average asset of $1,447,000, the return on sales would be 8.29 percent instead of 6.33 percent but it is still lower than the previous years level. The growth in net profit margin markedly failed to keep pace with the growth in sales. The return on stockholders equity was slightly lower than the previous years. Judged against the industrys

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assessment of Ureteroscopy During Pregnancy

Assessment of Ureteroscopy During Pregnancy INTRODUCTION Urolithiasis during pregnancy is an infrequent condition, with an incidence of 0.026 to 0.531 percent in the medical literature (1). Renal colic is the most common presentation of urolithiasis, as well as the most common nonobstetric cause of hospitalization during pregnancy and a predetermining factor of premature labor especially if accompanied by urinary tract infection(2,3). In approximately 70 percent of the cases the stone is passed spontaneously with the use of analgesics and hydration. (4-7) In other cases the onset of infection, fever and refractory ureteral colic require a variety of endourologic actions such as stent placement treatment(8). The diagnosis of ureteral calculi in pregnant women is often difficult because of the serious risks presented by radiation exposure, especially during the first trimester. As such, the diagnosis is best based on clinical data, urinalysis and ultrasound examinations; however, ultrasound does not always provide a clear diagnostic picture, even though at times color flow Doppler ultrasound may be useful (9). Further diagnostic efforts are indicated when the patient has intractable pain or upper urinary tract infection, or if renal function is decreasing for which a more precise diagnosis aims at specific treatment. In this situation ureteroscopy was considered a useful option, since it combines the diagnostic procedure with definitive treatment(10). Because of the recent advances in the techniques and technology in the field of ureteroscopy, the new and thinner semirigid and flexible ureteroscopes have allowed easy access to the ureter without any need for dilation and with minimal manipulation. (11) Ureteroscopy can be performed successfully for ureteral calculi in pregnant women and stones can be removed with the stone basket or fragmented with ultrasonic ballistic or laser lithotriptors under sedation-analgesia (12-14). Ureteroscopy can be performed with greater care when the patient is under sedation-analgesia than if spinal or general anesthesia is used, since the patient can collaborate during the procedure. Therefore, sedation-analgesia may be preferred when ureteroscopy is performed in pregnant patients (15,16). For reasons mentioned above, we have started use of minureteroscopes for managing pregnant patients with complicated stone disease not responding to medical measures and herein we present our experience with 15 p atients. PATIENTS AND METHODS Between 2000 and 2005 we performed ureteroscopy and ureterolithotripsy on 15 pregnant patients 21 to 32 years old. All patients underwent extensive diagnostic evaluation including urinalysis, urine culture and antibiogram, complete blood picture, bleeding and coagulation times, renal and liver function tests as well as, complete abdomino-pelvic ultrasound, and an accurate obstetrical examination to evaluate the fetal condition. The women were placed on the operating table in an oblique position with the left side down when necessary to decrease the pressure of the pregnant uterus on the inferior vena cava. Sedation-analgesia with 2.5mg midazolam and 50 mg pethidine intravenously was used in the first 7 patients. In the following 8 cases 10 mg nalbuphine HCL was used in addition to midazolam. Prophylactic therapy with ampicillin/ sulbactum 1.5gm was administered before the procedure. Ureteroscopy was performed with ultrasound monitoring. The use of ionizing radiation was avoided before, during and after the procedures. Constant obstetrical monitoring was available throughout the procedures. All patients underwent ureteroscopy with thin rigid 7.0F ureteroscopes without dilation of the ureteral meatus. We used either the micro-six ACMI ureteroscope or Karl-Storz 6.9 F semirigid ureteroscope. Floppy tip guide wire 0.035 was inserted over a 6 F open tip ureteric catheter through the 22 F cystoscopy. The wire was advanced first to the collecting system where it has been fixed. In cases with difficult guide wire insertion through the cystoscope, direct ureteroscopy was then performed and a safety wire was inserted through the ureteroscope. Then the ureteroscope was advanced alongside the wire and visualization of the whole ureter was done. Once a stone is visualized a decision was made in regard to the best means of extraction. Factors, such as size, amount of speculation, degree of impaction, location within the ureter and condition of the distal ureter, were considered. Our method of choice was the use of the stone basket under direct vision. If the size of the stone preclu ded the use of the basket technique, we elected to disintegrate the stone using pneumatic intracorporeal lithotripsy. At the end of the procedure, a double pigtail ureteral stent or external ureteral catheter was placed in the ureter to avoid partial urinary obstruction and flank pain due to mucosal edema. If external stent was used, it is tied to a Foley catheter. The Foley and ureteral catheters were removed within 1 to 2 days. The operating time, hospital stay, perioperative and postoperative complications, outcome of the pregnancies and deliveries, and condition of the neonates postpartum were all recorded. All women underwent PUT and abdomino-pelvic ultrasound 6weeks after delivery. RESULTS The mean age of our patients was 25.3 years (range 21-32 years) and the mean gestation time was 28 weeks (range16-32 weeks). The main presenting symptoms and indication of surgical intervention were recurrent ureteric colic not responding to analgesics, fever, recurrent UTIs, and hematuria (table1). Urine culture was positive for ampicillin-sensitive strains of E-coli and proteus vulgaris in 3 patients. Macroscopic hematuria was found in 3 patients while microscopic hematuria was present in in 2 patients. Leukocytosis was found in 2 patients. Ultrasonography showed dilation of the renal pelvis in all cases and stones were identified in 8 cases. Upper ureteral stones were found in 3 patients while lower ureteric stones were diagnosed in 5 patients. The mean stone size diagnosed with ultrasound was 0.6cm (range from 0.5-1.2 cm). Ureteroscopy was done for all cases with the entire ureter examined without the need for ureteric orifice dilatation. Stones were extracted from the lower ureter by Dormia basket in 7 patients. Stone fragmentation with the pneumatic lithotriptor was used for stones above the iliac vessels in 6 cases and no stones have been found in 2 patients (table 2). A double pigtail ureteral catheter was inserted in 8 cases (6 patients with fragmented calculi and the 2 cases with no confirmed stone) and ensured to be in the proper position by watching its distal end in the bladder and monitoring of the upper end curling in the renal pelvis through ultrasound examination. In the 7 patients with extracted calculi, a 6 F ureteric catheter was inserted for one or two days postoperatively. Duration of the procedure ranged from 15-30 minutes and obstetric monitoring showed no signs of fetal distress or pre-term delivery. No complications encountered and convalescence was uneventful. Patients who had pain were improved remarkably and fever disappeared within the next 24 hours after the procedure. Patients were discharged home 72 days after the procedure and the external ureteric catheter was removed. Patients with double J stenting had their stent removed after labor in the two patients with negative ureteroscopic finding while patients underwent stone fragmentation had stent withdrawal after 3 weeks. All pregnancies progressed to full term delivery. Five patients had an elective Cesarean section as they had a history of previous section and no fetal abnormalities were detected. The follow up PUT and U/S performed 6 weeks postpartum revealed disappearance of renal pelvis dilatation and no calculi were found in all patients. DISCUSSION The first publications on ureteroscopic diagnosis and management of ureteral calculi during pregnancy appeared in 1988.12 The differential diagnosis of ureteral calculi versus physiological dilatation in pregnancy was rendered possible by this procedure with great assistance in management. Using ureteroscopy and stent placement, under ultrasound monitoring, was an important step forward in stone manipulation during pregnancy (12,13). It was supposed that anatomic distortions caused by the fetal presence would not allow the introduction of the rigid ureteroscope and this procedure could be of high risk to the pregnancy. However, it was proved that the natural ureteral dilation in pregnancy facilitates the introduction of the ureteroscope and the procedure could be performed easily by following the usual rules, except for the use of fluoroscopy (17). The diagnosis of ureteral calculi in pregnant women is often difficult because of the serious risks presented by radiation exposure, especially during the first trimester(9). Several investigators have highlighted the problems related to the exposure of the pregnant patients to x-rays in regard to the incidence of tumors in children who were irradiated during fetal life(9,18). Therefore, the use of x-ray for the diagnosis or management of stones during pregnancy remains controversial (19). Ultrasonography is the main diagnostic method in these cases, because besides its non-invasive nature, it does not use radiation, and is universally available (3,8). However, Ultrasound does not always provide a clear diagnostic picture, even though at times color flow Doppler ultrasound by using resistive indices may be useful (10). In our study, we avoided the use of x-ray for the diagnosis of stones during pregnancy and we depend mainly on clinical diagnosis and ultrasound examination. Renal pelvic dilatation alone or combined with calyceal dilatation was diagnosed by U/S in our patients and ureteral stones were found in 8 (61.5%) out of 13 ureteroscopically confirmed stones. Although U/S is safe under all circumstances of pregnancy, its utilization in diagnosing obstruction is of limited value owing to its sub-optimal view of the ureter and presence of hydroureteronephrosis as a physiologic concomitant of pregnancy. Hematuria, both macro and microscopic, is a frequent sign, but is not specific (4, 8, 20) while urinary tract infection is present in 20 to 45% of the cases of calculus during pregnancy (1,21-22). Among our patients, hematuria was present in 5 (33.3%) patients and asymptomatic bacteriuria was detected in 4 (26.7%) patients while pyelonephritis complicated 2 (13.3%) pregnant women. In the early protocols for stone management in pregnant patients, the double pigtail catheters were used to treat renal dilatation and in cases of failure, an ultrasound guided nephrostomy was preferred over the risks inherent with ureteroscopy (19). Stents and drains may have many disadvantages including accidental dislodgment, obstruction or bladder irritability and unpleasant symptoms (1). In addition, incrustation on double pigtail stents with resultant obstruction is frequent in pregnant women and it is advised that stents should be changed every few weeks during pregnancy. The repeated insertions of tubes and stents may have potential risks that may be comparable to the risk associated with ureteroscopy performed as a single procedure. (11-14). In the present series, we have used the 7F semirigid ureteroscope, without need of dilating the ureteral meatus in any of the cases. In fact, this procedure is simpler than it was supposed in the past. It was suggested that pregnant patients with ureteral calculus and fever should be treated with antibiotics and drainage by a double-J catheter. The advantage of this method is that it is an efficient and less invasive method. Ureteroscopy was not advised in these patients because ureteral manipulation and liquid injection under pressure in the excretory system may lead to bacteruria and dissemination of the infection (23). However, stent should be left until the end of pregnancy, which can be a predisposing factor to infections and may cause vesical discomfort in most patients. We have used ureteroscopy in 2 pregnant patients with pyelonephritis and obstructing ureteral calculi and stones were removed and double J stents were inserted for 3 weeks without complications. Those patients were given antibiotics according to culture and sensitivity test prior to the procedure and during ureteroscopy fluid pressure was kept at minimum and non-refluxing double J stents were used. A further advantage of ureteroscopy as a diagnostic and therapeutic option is that general anesthesia can be avoided during pregnancy. With the application of mini-ureteroscopes and small instruments, general anesthesia was replaced by sedation analgesia among our patients. This aspect has already been highlighted by others who reported on flexible ureteroscopy (12). In conclusion, ureteroscopy during pregnancy can be performed safely under sedation analgesia for diagnosis and removal of ureteral calculi in cases of failure of conservative management in experienced centers with the use of miniureteroscopes and without using fluoroscopy.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Gender Quota Policies Essay -- Law, Women Behavior in Hearing Debate

In general, every country has two choices when it comes to getting women involved in politics; they can either encourage women’s participation in politics or implement policies that require parties and parliament to have a certain proportion of women holding elected offices (Stokes, 2005: 78). The second option requires that the party adopts the gender quota system which is a number of seats reserved for women (Stokes, 2005:77). Ever since quotas have been adopted and diffused across nations, the proportion of women in national legislature has increased from the period of 1975 to 1995 (Caul; 2001:1214). This goes to show that the adoption of quota policies have facilitated women’s entrance into politics. However, the road to adoption of the quotas policies has been influenced by several factors: political and societal (Caul; 2001), as well as parties’ culture and characteristics (Stokes 2005, Chapter 1). The rationale behind using quota policies is that the more women are present in legislative politics, the more chances women will have the chance to influence policy (Lyn: 1994: 560). Lyn Kathlene examines women’s presence and behaviours in a Colorado state in legislature hearing committees to test for their input in policy making and debates. The question that this paper seeks to answer if whether or not women get to influence policy making once in office, like advocates hoped for? We will see that to a certain extent it is possible to observe women’s impact in the decision making process. Although other pressures such cultural, negative conversational dynamics between men and women are present it does not decrease the rate of women’s participation in political decision making process. Instead it exposes the negative response ... ... on issues that directly affect them such as family issues. Their presence in national legislature means that they were elected by the population, they not only acting on behalf of all women but also standing in these hearing committees as their duty as a delegate of those who have elected her. The grounds for their interventions are based on their ability to position themselves as women but also as an elected official. Being present at hearing debates, shows that their presence is aligned with their ability to influence policy, regardless of the times they get interrupted. Male’s behaviours towards women expose a reality that is more related to their characters and behaviours. The findings that we have looked do not show any connection male’s behaviours towards women in hearing debate that discourage them from participating and voicing their opinions in debates.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How health care has changed Essay

With about 10 years of experience, as a secretary, in healthcare industry, I’ve noticed a multitude of changes within the medical field. On many levels, the medical system has changed, from paper charts to computerized patient files, the way prescriptions are handled and distributed, to file and/or medical documentation; even the paging method has found its place in a new technical era. Email, and employee intranet, has made communication between employers and employees, department to department, even employee to employee much easier and effective. The only thing that hasn’t made too much of a noticeable change is the employee time clock, and even that has managed to find itself an upgrade. Nonetheless, a host of inevitable changes, given the social status of technology, and the best service available by healthcare standards and expectations, it’s easy to see where the future of healthcare and technology lie. Given the past 10 years, technology has gained its own credit in the advancement of the medical industry. Robots have become the gateway to a better healthcare. I feel that within the next 10 years, we’ll begin to see a great deal of technical influence. In a field, where there are already advancements in technology, and its uses, it is fair to say that we could gradually become an almost ‘hands free’ industry. Medical advancements, in general, seem to have been primarily in the use of technology, and/or going green. Therefore the next 10 years, may still prove to be a breeze for the development of a relationship between medicine and technology. Even from my position, the change has been constant and obvious. Having been a secretary, since high school, I am currently in pursuit of my associates in medical administrations. My contribution to the industry has always come through my capabilities with a computer, and over the phone. Staying technically savvy, certainly is carrying its perks in weight with me. Within my experience, the secretary is the ‘go to’ person to get something to work proper y, or for better understanding of a technical meltdown, and if not the person to fix it, certainly the person to find the one who can. From nurses, doctors, patients, and parents, the secretary is the most knowledgeable resource, with a friendly face. As secretaries, we practically hold the key within the medical field. Always there to offer a helping hand, we operate behind the scene in some cases, having my own experience of pulling off many last minutes miracles. In medical terms, we’re essentially the central nervous systems of any and many departments operations. Though, now, being on my path to higher learning, in addition to, my contributions are becoming much greater, and giving my future the fuel to go much further. Like many jobs, the growth of change is inevitable, so to make sure this change is effective; insuring that employees are kept up to date with the latest in changes, adjustments, and updates is key. Having worked within the healthcare industry, I’m aware of the time and efforts invested into insuring that their employees are knowledgeable and capable of managing through company changes. I’ve had the opportunity to take a course or two, in order to insure I’m working at my fullest potent; cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) courses, to employee safety/self defense classes, system program changes, and new program usage. With my efforts, and the aid of my employers, my skills will remain polished and productive. Putting forth my best efforts and keeping the thirst for being successful in all my endeavors, along with the assistance provided through my employer; I will always be able and capable to perform all duties expected of me. With the growth of the medical industry, its employees have to be resourceful and reliable. Furthermore, within this growth, my perceptions haven’t changed, more they’ve evolved. The time within my courses have given me the opportunity to research and better understand the work and efforts that go into running a successful medical establishment. Watching the change over the past decade, leaves me no choice, and certainly gives me the advantage at being a highly adaptable candidate within my position. Growing with the industry, as a secretary I’ve learned so much, and watched a lot change for the better. In turn, my perceptions remain optimistic about the direction myself and healthcare or headed in. In a nutshell, any perception of an ever changing industry is certain to change. In any case, healthcare is changing for the better and the sake of providing the best, quickest, most effective ways to treatment and cure. In a sense, this change is creating a glimpse in the future of healthcare along with its and human longevity. With the healthcare industry taking on the demands of a modern day society, technology has a great deal to do with its future. Technology is set to play such a huge role in the development of healthcare. With the demands on the healthcare industry to offer the most effective methods of diagnosis, and treatments, along with healing time, the approach to technical advances are highly beneficial. Androids that perform, and aid in performing surgeries, the development in medical equipment and their advances/upgrades, the renewal of how patient charts are stored are all evolving, along with many more aspects of the medical industry. Leaving such a wide variety of development in just about every department, looking into the next 10 years of medicine vs. technology, the combinations are endless and sure to be exceptional. Though, with any development and need for change, there’s a cost to be paid. Given the state of a slowly stabilizing economy, the future of all the developments depends on the availability of funds, and people in need of care. Though, very beneficial, the cost of accurate medical attention can come at a higher cost, and at a time when finances are scarious and rising, some are unable to afford the best in healthcare. With the benefits of insurance, there is still only so much that can be covered.