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Dispersal and Regrouping of Migrant Communities Essay

Dispersal and Regrouping of Migrant Communities - Essay Example Diasporas are only gatherings that vagrants structure based on a common c...

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Diabetes Diabetes And Diabetes - 919 Words

Insulin Resistance: Diabetes Diabetes mellitus is most commonly known as diabetes. Diabetes is formally a Greek word that translates to, â€Å"the making of lots of urine with sugar in it or making sweet urine† Brawley. This disease is due to a metabolic dysfunction. Diabetes is caused due to the fact that insufficient insulin is being produced in the pancreas. Sometimes this disease can even be caused because the cells are not being responsive to the insulin being produced. Unfortunately diabetes is not just one single strand but it comes in Type 1, Type 2 and gestational diabetes. To begin with, diabetes is not specified to just one group age or gender it can strike anyone from any age in life. According to the distinguished, What is Diabetes?, article, in the past years the amount of diabetes cases has increased dramatically by 50 percent making it be 29 million people suffering from this disease. Occasionally diabetes symptoms can go unnoticed but if not treated properly it can lead to serious complications. In a healthy person, the pancreas (an organ behind the stomach) releases insulin to help the body store and use the sugar from the food you eat. Nevertheless, the symptoms to such disease are â€Å"urinating often, feel of thirstiness, feeling very hungry - even though you are eating, extreme fatigue, blurry vision, cuts and bruises that are slow to heal, weight loss - even though you are eating more (type 1) and Tingling, pain, or numbness in the hands/feet in type 2†Show MoreRelatedDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes3153 Words   |  13 PagesPeople all around the world might know someone with diabetes, but might have never realized how did they get diabetes, what will happen with them, what do they go through, what makes them change their lives, or what is there everyday basis when someone has diabetes? It may not be your problem, but to show respect and care for the one who may have diabetes can help them and benefit yourself to know more about it and have a better understanding of it. It can impact a person s personal life to knowRead MoreDiabetes : The Growth Of Knowledge On Diabetes1018 Words   |  5 PagesDiabetes The research focused on explaining the meaning of diabetes and how literary some concepts can be used to control the situation. Diabetes is a defect in the body that results from the inability to convert glucose to energy. In the medical terms, glucose is the primary source of energy that enables the body to execute its functions effectively. The types of foods that affect the blood sugars are called carbohydrates. We can find carbohydrates in foods such as potatoes, corn, fruit, rice andRead MoreDiabetes And Its Effects On Diabetes1408 Words   |  6 Pagesgo hand in hand with diabetes. Everyone who has diabetes goes through different events or problems each and every day. However, there is more than just one type of diabetes that corresponds with these things; there are two distinct types. It is unsure how Diabetes was discovered but now there are much simpler ways to detect if someone is diabetic. As time has gone on, it is greatly apparent that the technology and all that scien tists know about diabetes has changed. Diabetes is a disease in whichRead MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes1433 Words   |  6 Pages Diabetes mellitus (sometimes called sugar diabetes) is a condition that occurs when the body can t use glucose (a type of sugar) normally. Glucose is the main source of energy for the body s cells. The levels of glucose in the blood are controlled by a hormone called insulin, which is made by the pancreas. Insulin helps glucose enter the cells. In diabetes, the pancreas does not make enough insulin (type 1 diabetes) or the body can t respond normally to the insulin that is made (type 2 diabetes)Read MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes Essay1172 Words   |  5 Pages Diabetes refers to clinically and heterogenous group of disorders described by abnormal high levels blood glucose. Diabetes is ranked as 6th leading cause of death. It direct annual medical costs is approximately over $ 92 billion, and another $ 40 billion indirect cost. It affects approximately 18.2 million people in the USA (Arcangelo Peterson, 2013). Explain the differences between types of diabetes including type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes. There are three major classificationRead MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes1193 Words   |  5 Pagesthe family has diabetes. Her husband, your grandfather, is at risk for diabetes. Your father has diabetes. Your mother is at risk for diabetes. Your half-sister on your father’s side of the family was recently tested for diabetes. What kind of future regarding diabetes does that leave you with? This may not be you, but this is me. This is my diabetic and at risk family. What is the difference between the types of diabetes? What are the possible problems I can have because of diabetes? How can I treatRead MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes1371 Words   |  6 PagesDiabetes For my health project topic I chose Diabetes. One of my aunts has type one diabetes, and that is partially why I chose to do this topic. Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar) because of varying reasons. Some of these reasons include insulin production is inadequate or because the body’s cells don’t respond properly to insulin, or both. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas that regulates the amount of glucose in theRead MoreDiabetes : Diabetes And Diabetes851 Words   |  4 Pages Diabetes comes in multiple forms: type 1, or diabetes insipidus; type 2, or diabetes mellitus; or gestational, which occurs during pregnancy and may be either type 1 or type 2. Diabetes is a metabolic disease where the person has high blood glucose. (Blood glucose is also know was blood sugar.) When the person has high blood sugar it’s either because the insulin result is insufficient, or the body’s cells don’t respond to the insulin like it should, or both can happen. There are different typesRead MoreDiabetes Is An Illness Of Diabetes2273 Words   |  10 Pages INTRODUCTION Diabetes is an illness that’s been raising for many years and yet there hasn’t been a cure found for it. Diabetes is diagnosed when you have too much glucose also known as sugar in your blood, where the pancreas isn’t able to make enough insulin to pass the sugar in use for energy to the different cells in your body. Glucose in the bloodstreams comes from the carbohydrate foods which are changed into sugar after we have eaten them or the glucose that’s been stored in the liver thatRead MoreWhat Is Diabetes? Types Of Diabetes Essay911 Words   |  4 PagesWhat Is Diabetes? Types Of Diabetes By Harshad Jethra | Submitted On June 05, 2015 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Harshad Jethra Diabetes is also referred to as diabetes mellitus, and may

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The British And Indian War - 1387 Words

During the mid-1700’s, British American Colonists were questioning their place under the British crown. The Colonists were proud to be part of the British Empire, especially after the recent victories of the French and Indian war, which gave the colonist a sense of pride and patriotism. However, British Parliament began to pass legislation that had laid a burden on the Colonists, as well as oppression. The Colonists began to question the power of the Crown, whether the idea of a Monarchy was a primitive style of government. They believed officers passing/enforcing laws were neglecting the authority of the King, which lead some radical Whigs to accuse the King of being an incompetent enforcer of human rights. Bridges built between the colonist and the mother country were beginning to deteriorate as colonist began to realize that the King was not concerned about the interests and concerns of the colonies. This would eventually lead to protests and a movement to establish a gover nment that was influenced by the people of the colonies and not by civilians of the mother country. In the colonies there was a split in how the Colonists viewed the king. Some believed King George was a just King, he was willing to listen to the needs of his subjects and assist the colonist whom had helped bring victory to the mother country after the French and Indian war. However, some of the Colonists believed that the King was not aware of the current state of the Colonists. The legislationShow MoreRelatedThe British And Indian War913 Words   |  4 PagesThe first successful British settlement, motivated for economic gain, in the New World was in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. Religious persecution in England, due to the Protestant Reformation, encouraged the settlement of the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colony. The popularity for economic and religious opportunity sparked exoduses such as the The Great Migration. The British westward expansion led to land claim disputes wit h the French on the Ohio River Valley and the Northeast fisheries. TheseRead MoreThe British And Indian War930 Words   |  4 Pagesstart of it all in 1763 when the French and Indian war also known as the seven years’ war ended and that is extremely important because it led to very unhappy colonists because the British were broke. The French and Indian war was fought between the British and French on American soil and the British felt the colonists should pay them back for protecting them, The colonists majority of them being British were more than happy to assist in paying for the war but it was important that they be representedRead MoreThe British And Indian War1207 Words   |  5 Pagesevent that shaped distain for the British was the French and Indian war (1756-1763). Before the French and Indian war the colonist under the British rule had been left alone to govern themselves. Directly after the war is when the British to force political and economic control on the col onies. There was great debate over who should pay off the war debt. Britain was forcing the colonist to pay, even though they felt that it was not their war. In result the British passed taxation acts on goods theseRead MorePerceptions Of The British And Indian War860 Words   |  4 Pageshistory; haven wars, such as the French and Indian war altered the perception of the American people. These events and people were some of the many facilitated with the defiance against the British. This essay will show how these altercations turned the People of the newly formed Americas against the British. During the time of 1763-1775 one of the occurrences that happened to affect the colonist’s perception of the British was the French and Indian War. The amazing thing is that the war itself wasRead MoreThe British Of The French And Indian War1247 Words   |  5 PagesPage 1 of 5 It’s 1763, and the British just signed a treaty with France to mark the end of the French/Indian War (1756-1763). The British were very happy with themselves, they just won the war! They had a right to feel victorious. The British colonies in North America were in that same happy, victorious state. But all that happiness and victory came at a price. The price was the immense debt that Britain faced after the war. The British needed money fast to pay off their debt. But tensions aroseRead MoreImpact Of The French And Indian War On The British Government941 Words   |  4 PagesIV.The Impact on the British The impact of the French and Indian War on the British government was a positive move toward the dominance of Europe after the defeat of the French in terms of the colonization of North America. During this time, the British had incurred a massive military debt, which had to be paid over the long-term. To ensure that the British government did not take full responsibility for the debt, the British colonists were expected to pay back the debt burden through extremelyRead MoreBritish Imperialism During The First War Of Indian Independence1502 Words   |  7 Pages British Imperialism in India Indian Independence The first war of Indian independence, also known as the 1857 Indian Rebellion, was not the first challenge to British authority, but it was the first to feature widespread coordination with increased levels of intensity. It began with discontent within the sepoy army. Initially, the soldiers were well-paid to keep their loyalty, but the EIC failed to increase pay to match the inflation rate. Moreover, they received the impression that the CompanyRead MoreCompare and Contrast He American and British Views Regarding the French and Indian War.604 Words   |  3 PagesThe French and Indian War, was a war fought between France and Britain. The war was the product of an imperial struggle, a clash between the French and English over colonial territory and wealth. Great Britain claimed that the French provoked war by building forts along the Ohio River Valley. Virginia’s governor sent a militia to the French and Native American allies. The war started out badly for Great Britain, a bout 2,000 British and colonial troops were defeated by the French and Native AmericansRead MoreFrench and Indian War in the Colonies Essay1657 Words   |  7 Pagesinternal peace. The Iroquois Confederacy had a great impact in the war of the French and Indian war. The Seven Years War (called the French and Indian War in the colonies) lasted from 1756 to 1763, forming a chapter in the imperial struggle between Britain and France called the Second Hundred Years War. In the early 1750s, Frances expansion into the Ohio River valley repeatedly brought it into conflict with the claims of the British colonies, especially Virginia. When Robert Dinwiddie, LieutenantRead MoreThe Causes And Effect Of The French And Indian War1146 Words   |  5 Pages 7 Years of War â€Å"French and Indian war† What were the causes and effect of the war? Ana Rodriguez 6th period 03/10/15 What were the causes and effect of the French and Indian war? â€Å"The last and most destructive of the four Anglo-French Colonial wars, was the French and Indian war.† Took place on 1754-1763, and together with its European counterpart, the seven years war. Start with England declaring war on France, and ending with the Treaty of

Monday, December 9, 2019

The International Staffing Policy

Questions: Your task is to design a comprehensive expatriates-related program, which includes the following major areas:recruitment and selectiontraining and developmentperformance managementreward and compensation.You need to prepare a report regarding the expatriation programs.In the report, you have to:Select two of the above mentioned areas to focus in the report.Provide detailed programs and use academic references to justify your choice. You can also use existing industry examples to back up your reasoning.Discuss the potential challenges for proposing the new programs.Explain what benefits the program can bring to the organisation. Answers: Introduction The international Staffing Policy depends mainly of the Managing Director or the CEO of the company. The company need to adopt the policy which will best suited according to the structure, budget, and the duration of the international assignment or the project. The mangers nationality would be one of the important factors in the determination of the compensation. The study shows of appointing the employees in the managerial and the in managerial background. The senior managers are responsible for selecting and the employees and accordingly give them training. The ethnocentric staffing has the most successful selection and the recruitment criteria. The employee with the global mindset can entrust with the international recruitment policy (Hussain and Murthy 2013). The polycentric staffing policy depends on the appointment and the presence of the host company of the government of the host country for imposing foreign hiring barriers. The geocentric staffing includes the appointment of the staff regardless of their nation and could even include from the third country nationals. While the regiocentric employees are transferred accordingly with the regional basis (Osland et al. 2014). Selection Program The selection criteria are one of the most important for choosing the right candidate for the company. The company needs to adopt various plans for initiating the selection program (Scheiblea 2015). Technical competency It is the most important criteria as the employee need to be hire for the contraction and the mini g company in a distant location. The employees need to know and understand about all the technological adoption for the position. The criteria of the selection should be according to technical consultation and need that arise for it. He expatriate need to competent on the technological field. They can handle the issues related with it. The company needs to take a technological test as their selection criteria. The technological test need to verbal as well as through written test (Kataria and Sethi 2013). (Source: Blog.soa.org, 2010) Personal traits The selection criteria for this field need to access through the understanding of the diverse background. The selection criteria need to access through ethnic background and adoptability to work with different culture of people. In other words the candidate needs to possess certain number of cultural toughness. The past work experience with the diverse culture. For the selection of the people in the managerial background thee candidate should have travel history and knowledge of the host country. The qualification for the mangers needs to be MBA. The mangers need take into consideration with the knowledge of solving the problems in the host country (Townley 2014). Accordingly both the employees of the managerial as well non managerial need to undergo through the second round of selection process in personal traits. The selection of this round will be through interview (Mischel 2013). Environmental variables The candidates for both for the managerial and the non managerial roles need to understand the context of the domestic in terms of analyzing the PESTLE. The expatriate needs to understand the macro environment of the host country which is political, economic, social, technological, legal, environment. The analysis of the PESTLE in selecting the candidate will not help to understand the international assignment but also the effective strategy formulation of the host country. So, selecting the candidate through the understanding o the environmental variables will include in the second round along with the personal traits (Treurnicht et al. 2016). Understanding of Cultural Diversity Training would be given on cultural diversity. However, the person needs to have the ability to adopt with the culture of China. They need to understand the difference of culture and act accordingly. The interviewer needs to conduct to understand it in the interviews. They need to make questions on their adaptability of other culture. They need to even ask questions on how frequently they used to visit other countries. The opinion about the culture of those countries is important. It would clear the interviewer to understand the mental stability in terms of establishing into other country (Osland et al. 2014). Leadership Ability The selection on this field needs to access through the selection criteria of both the managerial and the non managerial staff. Though, it should be more important for the managerial positioned employees. The candidates need to undergo through the written and the interview round for initiating the ability of the leadership quality (Barbusse 2015). (Source: SERIES, 2015) The company plans need to access through the proper training and development of the candidates. They need to undergo through a vigorous training so that they can adopt with the culture and the work of China. The company need organize training to a program of 14 days. The main focus are on the training should be on the language. Cultural mores such as the food, dress and the observance of the holidays should include into it. The observance area should also include the understanding of the currency and the exchange rates. The final consideration would be on the professional expectations such as the interactions with the high-level staff (Bhatia and Kaur 2014). Language Training The candidate needs to provide with the training on the language of China. Though, it is difficult for the candidate to learn a different language within a short period of time. but, they need to at least understand the languages that is used by the people of China. The training need to given trough expertise of language. The candidates need to be fast learner and adopter. They need to adopt with the language in a fast pace (Scheiblea 2015). (Source: LUNA360.com, 2016) Cultural Diversity They need to understand the cultural diversity for the people. They need to develop and understand the culture of China. They need to adopt with the ways of their dress and food. They understanding of the cultural diversity would enable them to perform in a much better way. They can understand the culture and can easily adopt with it. Cultural diversity would make them aware about the culture for China. The training and development need to understand them the importance of it (Scheiblea 2015). Knowledge Management Process Knowledge Management would enable them repetitive occurrence of issues of the construction company in China. Effective way to give training is though the case studies. The case study would contain a problematic situation that Construction Company of China generally faces. Expatriaye need to solve those case studies proving effective solution. It would enable them to take decisions in the problematic situation of China (Hussain and Murthy 2013. There are four steps that are involved with the knowledge management process. They are as follows: The creation of knowledge in the day-day activities of the trade, the companies create a large amount of data. It is mainly essential for a company to have a system that helps to manage newly created information that in turn helps to solve the new problems. The codification of knowledge in order to turn the data into a useful knowledge, it is important to collect and analyze the data. At this stage the tactic knowledge is converted into explicit knowledge which is in turn very crucial for success of both transfer and application. The application of knowledge the utilization of knowledge will be facilitated if the assets of the knowledge are documented and shared. At this particular stage of the knowledge management, the creation of value is delivered. The transfer of knowledge - Knowledge can be modified and developed through the procedures of learning and distribution. Professional expectations China the maximum focus is given on the strict schedule as in China the trade runs on a strict punctuality. It is very important that in China the individuals need to arrive at the business meetings at the exact. Giving the training on this is very important and it will helpful for the Australians. Arriving early is a significant part of assigning respect (Hasslinger et al. 2016). The training of technological adaptation of China The training given on the technological training is very important. The advancement of technology is very significant. Technology is not that advanced in Australia as it is in China (Hakansson 2014). Potential challenges The potential challenges are as follows: Culture Shock if the culture shock takes place in that case the expatriate might decide to return home if they hear of anyone falling ill in their house. This will act as a potential challenge for the firm. The expatriates will prefer to return home rather than putting the life of their relatives in risk (Furham 2012). Language barrier the language barrier is another important factor is language barrier. The individual might feel alienated due to the difficulty they might face while communicating with the local community (Buckley et al. 2013). Differences in the living condition in this case, if the individual was residing in the developed country and had been shifted to any underdeveloped country, then it might pose a difficulty in the living condition. The protection in the local environment this is one of the main challenges that the individual will face that are the protection that they will get in the local environment (Royo et al. 2014). Lack of recognition if the individual gives his best performance but he is still unrecognized in that case he might feel the lack of recognition. He might as well have a lot better recognition in the previous organization that might pose as a challenge. Isolation due to the restricted interaction the individual might face isolation. At that point he might miss his relatives as well as friends. Lacks of recognition of foreign qualifications the expatriates are most often assigned from head quarters of an enhanced country to that of the emerging underdeveloped countries. In that case he might feel the lack of the recognition of his qualifications. Benefits 1.Lower labor costs it will benefit organization in the sense if they hire the individuals from Australia in that case they have to pay less to the labors as compared to the situation if they had to hire the workers from China itself. The costs as well as the availability of labor are both intertwined. It will help to be in the budget as there will some expenditure in terms of the training given. The labor cost will in turn benefit China (Green 2013). Communication the training program will help to augment the diversity of the workforce. The training provided will help to enhance the communication skill. This in turn will benefit the organization (Fujimori et al. 2014). Diversity it is vital to provide the training in order provide the explanation regarding the diverse individuals views as well as viewpoints. This also includes the methods that value diversity. Job satisfaction the program will in turn give the job satisfaction to the expatriates. It will also provide confidence among the workers. Enhancement of the image of the company the training program which will include the training related to ethics will help to maintain the principles among the workers. Innovative technologies the program will benefit the organization by helping the workers to get adapt to the innovative technologies. This will help the organization to prosper (Davenport 2013). Quality initiatives the organization will benefit as the expatriates will be able to maintain the total quality management and will also be clear about the basic concepts of the program that will gain profits for the organization (Appelbaum 2013). Conclusion In order to expand the firm in China, it is very important to take into consideration the benefits as well as the challenges that are related to the shifting of the employees from one place to another. The benefits include the Lower labor costs that will benefit China in the sense if they hire the individuals from Australia in that case they have to pay less to the labors as compared to the situation if they had to hire the workers from China itself. There are also few challenges that are related to the training program which includes language barrier, lack of recognition as well as isolation. Reference List: (SERIES), M. (2015). MAXIMIZING YOUR LEADERSHIP ABILITY (SERIES) - Insights to Advancing Your Professional Career. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Symbolism In Strange News From Another Star Essays - Concepts

Symbolism in Strange News From Another Star Symbolism in ?Strange News From Another Star? Symbolism in ?Strange News From Another Star? ?Strange News from another Star? is found to be a story which contains numerous symbols which in many cases contain some important, abstract information. Symbolism is something which is very difficult to explain due to the fact that not everyone sees the so mentioned symbol. They don't quite see it as you, because no two minds are the same, which implies the fact that they don't react equally to something which must be internally interpreted as it is not present as mere information. On this essay I will try to back up with concise words, why I believe that something is representing something abstract, as well as with information from the author. One of the first symbols that we may find, is actually the star. A star is known as a gaseous sphere, which with nuclear fusion and fission may actually give out huge amounts of energy. Obviously a star is a inhospitable place, so I believ e that the star actually represents a planet or a country. The flowers, which have a very important part in the plot of the book are a symbol as well. They, have always, as least as far as I know, had a special message. A message of love, tranquillity, joy and they represent the harmony of nature itself. In the first stage of the book, we may see how a problem, the earthquake, has made the people in the star loose a vast amount of flowers. They lost some of the tranquillity and joy that had invaded their lives. And when they look for a messenger to go find flowers, they're talking about re-finding the tranquillity and lack of fear that they wanted. I believe that the burials, actually represent life. It may sound a bit peculiar, but in real life once you get accustomed to living a happy, joyful life, you then will not be able to live without it and so, you will need to do practically anything, as the people in the star did, to find the ?flowers?. The symbol of the de ity that the youth saw in the temple, I understand that by the way in which the story progresses the symbol is actually representing the fact that war, or trouble (the bird of prey) destroys all happiness or good hearted feelings. I think that the representation is what I mentioned above, because when the messenger ?goes? to the foreign star he sees destruction and a total lack of joy. We may find another symbol which goes from pages 55-59. It's the conversation that the youth holds with the king who's nation is in war. It's apparently a symbol because even-though it has important, concrete information for the story, there's more to the phrases themselves. They can be abstracted and that's when I see that the conversation is actually trying to explain the way in which the humanity is being erratic by trying to find happiness. To achieve happiness, you must first get rid of sadness, poverty, trouble, etc (war is the symbol used to represent all of them). It may not be found just by ignoring the others. In the king's star they weren't happy because all of the nouns mentioned above were present. A proof of that may be the fact that when trouble, the earthquake, arouse in the province of the youth then they lost the peace and tranquillity, represented by the flowers that they had had. And ultimately I will mention the symbol which the black bird represents, it's what I believe is the image of the harshness, horror and terror of war. Which may reach such levels of futility that it may apparently only be seen as a dream, or even more correct, would be to say that it's like a nightmare.