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Dispersal and Regrouping of Migrant Communities Essay

Dispersal and Regrouping of Migrant Communities - Essay Example Diasporas are only gatherings that vagrants structure based on a common c...

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Land Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 2

Land Law - Essay Example A 2002 being to create a land registration system that is an accurate reflection of the true state of title to a registered estate of land at any time. As such, it is arguable that the narrow system implemented by the LRA 2002 renders the unregistered system a more useful tool to protect legal interests against purchasers of the legal estate. Furthermore, one of the central purposes of the 2002 Act was â€Å"to reduce the number of overriding interests which are binding upon a purchaser of a registered title† (Sexton 122). However, Sexton argues that the â€Å"2002 Act achieves this purpose only to a very limited degree† (122). Accordingly, whilst the overall intention of the 2002 Act is to reduce the number of third party equitable interests which are binding on a purchaser, it is questionable how far the LRA 2002 has gone to achieve this. The focus of this analysis is to evaluate whether the unregistered system facilitates the protection of legal interests against a purchaser of the legal estate with a comparative analysis of the registered land system particularly in context of the overhaul implemented by the LRA 2002. Additionally, this paper will consider whether it is easier for third party equitable interests to be protected where title is registered particularly in context of the LRA 2002. With regard to unregistered land, the general principle is that all legal interests against an unregistered title will be binding on a purchaser (Smith). As such, this general principle would appear to support the statement that it is easier to protect legal interests against a purchaser of the legal estate in unregistered land; as with registered land, legal interests are required to be registered unless they fall within the category of overriding interests (Dixon). Moreover, the system of overriding interests has been inherently complex, creating uncertainty for the purchaser vis-à  -vis registered titles. Alternatively, the wider scope for protection of proprietary

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Course project part 1 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Course project part 1 - Coursework Example Selling and administrative expense rose proportionately more than the sales growth (55 percent). This was compounded by the 185 percent increase in interest expense which significantly eroded these gains. Otherwise, all other cost elements were under control. The net income thus went up by only 28 per cent, and because of the issuance of new shares during the period, earnings per share increased by only 9 percent. Net profit margin in the second year relative to sales dipped slightly compared to the year before despite the the growth in sales. While operating profit margin was better than the previous level by two percentage points, the near three-fold increase in interest expense was the main reason why net profit return on sales did not improve. Total assets nearly doubled during the period due to the 113 percent increase in net plant and equipment. Accounts receivable, due to the drive to increase sales, more than doubled. There was an increase in cash and cash equivalents of 40 per cent. The increases in fixed assets and receivables were financed mainly from short-term and long-term debt which together caused total liabilities to rise by 134 percent (more than $600,000). The issuance of new shares and retained earnings accounted for the balance of almost $300,000 increase in total assets. Profitability. The 44 per cent increase in sales did not effectively translate into an improved return on total assets because of the purchase of additional plant and equipment during the year. A corrected return on assets can be obtained by averaging the year 1 and year 2 assets in the computation. With an average asset of $1,447,000, the return on sales would be 8.29 percent instead of 6.33 percent but it is still lower than the previous years level. The growth in net profit margin markedly failed to keep pace with the growth in sales. The return on stockholders equity was slightly lower than the previous years. Judged against the industrys

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Assessment of Ureteroscopy During Pregnancy

Assessment of Ureteroscopy During Pregnancy INTRODUCTION Urolithiasis during pregnancy is an infrequent condition, with an incidence of 0.026 to 0.531 percent in the medical literature (1). Renal colic is the most common presentation of urolithiasis, as well as the most common nonobstetric cause of hospitalization during pregnancy and a predetermining factor of premature labor especially if accompanied by urinary tract infection(2,3). In approximately 70 percent of the cases the stone is passed spontaneously with the use of analgesics and hydration. (4-7) In other cases the onset of infection, fever and refractory ureteral colic require a variety of endourologic actions such as stent placement treatment(8). The diagnosis of ureteral calculi in pregnant women is often difficult because of the serious risks presented by radiation exposure, especially during the first trimester. As such, the diagnosis is best based on clinical data, urinalysis and ultrasound examinations; however, ultrasound does not always provide a clear diagnostic picture, even though at times color flow Doppler ultrasound may be useful (9). Further diagnostic efforts are indicated when the patient has intractable pain or upper urinary tract infection, or if renal function is decreasing for which a more precise diagnosis aims at specific treatment. In this situation ureteroscopy was considered a useful option, since it combines the diagnostic procedure with definitive treatment(10). Because of the recent advances in the techniques and technology in the field of ureteroscopy, the new and thinner semirigid and flexible ureteroscopes have allowed easy access to the ureter without any need for dilation and with minimal manipulation. (11) Ureteroscopy can be performed successfully for ureteral calculi in pregnant women and stones can be removed with the stone basket or fragmented with ultrasonic ballistic or laser lithotriptors under sedation-analgesia (12-14). Ureteroscopy can be performed with greater care when the patient is under sedation-analgesia than if spinal or general anesthesia is used, since the patient can collaborate during the procedure. Therefore, sedation-analgesia may be preferred when ureteroscopy is performed in pregnant patients (15,16). For reasons mentioned above, we have started use of minureteroscopes for managing pregnant patients with complicated stone disease not responding to medical measures and herein we present our experience with 15 p atients. PATIENTS AND METHODS Between 2000 and 2005 we performed ureteroscopy and ureterolithotripsy on 15 pregnant patients 21 to 32 years old. All patients underwent extensive diagnostic evaluation including urinalysis, urine culture and antibiogram, complete blood picture, bleeding and coagulation times, renal and liver function tests as well as, complete abdomino-pelvic ultrasound, and an accurate obstetrical examination to evaluate the fetal condition. The women were placed on the operating table in an oblique position with the left side down when necessary to decrease the pressure of the pregnant uterus on the inferior vena cava. Sedation-analgesia with 2.5mg midazolam and 50 mg pethidine intravenously was used in the first 7 patients. In the following 8 cases 10 mg nalbuphine HCL was used in addition to midazolam. Prophylactic therapy with ampicillin/ sulbactum 1.5gm was administered before the procedure. Ureteroscopy was performed with ultrasound monitoring. The use of ionizing radiation was avoided before, during and after the procedures. Constant obstetrical monitoring was available throughout the procedures. All patients underwent ureteroscopy with thin rigid 7.0F ureteroscopes without dilation of the ureteral meatus. We used either the micro-six ACMI ureteroscope or Karl-Storz 6.9 F semirigid ureteroscope. Floppy tip guide wire 0.035 was inserted over a 6 F open tip ureteric catheter through the 22 F cystoscopy. The wire was advanced first to the collecting system where it has been fixed. In cases with difficult guide wire insertion through the cystoscope, direct ureteroscopy was then performed and a safety wire was inserted through the ureteroscope. Then the ureteroscope was advanced alongside the wire and visualization of the whole ureter was done. Once a stone is visualized a decision was made in regard to the best means of extraction. Factors, such as size, amount of speculation, degree of impaction, location within the ureter and condition of the distal ureter, were considered. Our method of choice was the use of the stone basket under direct vision. If the size of the stone preclu ded the use of the basket technique, we elected to disintegrate the stone using pneumatic intracorporeal lithotripsy. At the end of the procedure, a double pigtail ureteral stent or external ureteral catheter was placed in the ureter to avoid partial urinary obstruction and flank pain due to mucosal edema. If external stent was used, it is tied to a Foley catheter. The Foley and ureteral catheters were removed within 1 to 2 days. The operating time, hospital stay, perioperative and postoperative complications, outcome of the pregnancies and deliveries, and condition of the neonates postpartum were all recorded. All women underwent PUT and abdomino-pelvic ultrasound 6weeks after delivery. RESULTS The mean age of our patients was 25.3 years (range 21-32 years) and the mean gestation time was 28 weeks (range16-32 weeks). The main presenting symptoms and indication of surgical intervention were recurrent ureteric colic not responding to analgesics, fever, recurrent UTIs, and hematuria (table1). Urine culture was positive for ampicillin-sensitive strains of E-coli and proteus vulgaris in 3 patients. Macroscopic hematuria was found in 3 patients while microscopic hematuria was present in in 2 patients. Leukocytosis was found in 2 patients. Ultrasonography showed dilation of the renal pelvis in all cases and stones were identified in 8 cases. Upper ureteral stones were found in 3 patients while lower ureteric stones were diagnosed in 5 patients. The mean stone size diagnosed with ultrasound was 0.6cm (range from 0.5-1.2 cm). Ureteroscopy was done for all cases with the entire ureter examined without the need for ureteric orifice dilatation. Stones were extracted from the lower ureter by Dormia basket in 7 patients. Stone fragmentation with the pneumatic lithotriptor was used for stones above the iliac vessels in 6 cases and no stones have been found in 2 patients (table 2). A double pigtail ureteral catheter was inserted in 8 cases (6 patients with fragmented calculi and the 2 cases with no confirmed stone) and ensured to be in the proper position by watching its distal end in the bladder and monitoring of the upper end curling in the renal pelvis through ultrasound examination. In the 7 patients with extracted calculi, a 6 F ureteric catheter was inserted for one or two days postoperatively. Duration of the procedure ranged from 15-30 minutes and obstetric monitoring showed no signs of fetal distress or pre-term delivery. No complications encountered and convalescence was uneventful. Patients who had pain were improved remarkably and fever disappeared within the next 24 hours after the procedure. Patients were discharged home 72 days after the procedure and the external ureteric catheter was removed. Patients with double J stenting had their stent removed after labor in the two patients with negative ureteroscopic finding while patients underwent stone fragmentation had stent withdrawal after 3 weeks. All pregnancies progressed to full term delivery. Five patients had an elective Cesarean section as they had a history of previous section and no fetal abnormalities were detected. The follow up PUT and U/S performed 6 weeks postpartum revealed disappearance of renal pelvis dilatation and no calculi were found in all patients. DISCUSSION The first publications on ureteroscopic diagnosis and management of ureteral calculi during pregnancy appeared in 1988.12 The differential diagnosis of ureteral calculi versus physiological dilatation in pregnancy was rendered possible by this procedure with great assistance in management. Using ureteroscopy and stent placement, under ultrasound monitoring, was an important step forward in stone manipulation during pregnancy (12,13). It was supposed that anatomic distortions caused by the fetal presence would not allow the introduction of the rigid ureteroscope and this procedure could be of high risk to the pregnancy. However, it was proved that the natural ureteral dilation in pregnancy facilitates the introduction of the ureteroscope and the procedure could be performed easily by following the usual rules, except for the use of fluoroscopy (17). The diagnosis of ureteral calculi in pregnant women is often difficult because of the serious risks presented by radiation exposure, especially during the first trimester(9). Several investigators have highlighted the problems related to the exposure of the pregnant patients to x-rays in regard to the incidence of tumors in children who were irradiated during fetal life(9,18). Therefore, the use of x-ray for the diagnosis or management of stones during pregnancy remains controversial (19). Ultrasonography is the main diagnostic method in these cases, because besides its non-invasive nature, it does not use radiation, and is universally available (3,8). However, Ultrasound does not always provide a clear diagnostic picture, even though at times color flow Doppler ultrasound by using resistive indices may be useful (10). In our study, we avoided the use of x-ray for the diagnosis of stones during pregnancy and we depend mainly on clinical diagnosis and ultrasound examination. Renal pelvic dilatation alone or combined with calyceal dilatation was diagnosed by U/S in our patients and ureteral stones were found in 8 (61.5%) out of 13 ureteroscopically confirmed stones. Although U/S is safe under all circumstances of pregnancy, its utilization in diagnosing obstruction is of limited value owing to its sub-optimal view of the ureter and presence of hydroureteronephrosis as a physiologic concomitant of pregnancy. Hematuria, both macro and microscopic, is a frequent sign, but is not specific (4, 8, 20) while urinary tract infection is present in 20 to 45% of the cases of calculus during pregnancy (1,21-22). Among our patients, hematuria was present in 5 (33.3%) patients and asymptomatic bacteriuria was detected in 4 (26.7%) patients while pyelonephritis complicated 2 (13.3%) pregnant women. In the early protocols for stone management in pregnant patients, the double pigtail catheters were used to treat renal dilatation and in cases of failure, an ultrasound guided nephrostomy was preferred over the risks inherent with ureteroscopy (19). Stents and drains may have many disadvantages including accidental dislodgment, obstruction or bladder irritability and unpleasant symptoms (1). In addition, incrustation on double pigtail stents with resultant obstruction is frequent in pregnant women and it is advised that stents should be changed every few weeks during pregnancy. The repeated insertions of tubes and stents may have potential risks that may be comparable to the risk associated with ureteroscopy performed as a single procedure. (11-14). In the present series, we have used the 7F semirigid ureteroscope, without need of dilating the ureteral meatus in any of the cases. In fact, this procedure is simpler than it was supposed in the past. It was suggested that pregnant patients with ureteral calculus and fever should be treated with antibiotics and drainage by a double-J catheter. The advantage of this method is that it is an efficient and less invasive method. Ureteroscopy was not advised in these patients because ureteral manipulation and liquid injection under pressure in the excretory system may lead to bacteruria and dissemination of the infection (23). However, stent should be left until the end of pregnancy, which can be a predisposing factor to infections and may cause vesical discomfort in most patients. We have used ureteroscopy in 2 pregnant patients with pyelonephritis and obstructing ureteral calculi and stones were removed and double J stents were inserted for 3 weeks without complications. Those patients were given antibiotics according to culture and sensitivity test prior to the procedure and during ureteroscopy fluid pressure was kept at minimum and non-refluxing double J stents were used. A further advantage of ureteroscopy as a diagnostic and therapeutic option is that general anesthesia can be avoided during pregnancy. With the application of mini-ureteroscopes and small instruments, general anesthesia was replaced by sedation analgesia among our patients. This aspect has already been highlighted by others who reported on flexible ureteroscopy (12). In conclusion, ureteroscopy during pregnancy can be performed safely under sedation analgesia for diagnosis and removal of ureteral calculi in cases of failure of conservative management in experienced centers with the use of miniureteroscopes and without using fluoroscopy.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Gender Quota Policies Essay -- Law, Women Behavior in Hearing Debate

In general, every country has two choices when it comes to getting women involved in politics; they can either encourage women’s participation in politics or implement policies that require parties and parliament to have a certain proportion of women holding elected offices (Stokes, 2005: 78). The second option requires that the party adopts the gender quota system which is a number of seats reserved for women (Stokes, 2005:77). Ever since quotas have been adopted and diffused across nations, the proportion of women in national legislature has increased from the period of 1975 to 1995 (Caul; 2001:1214). This goes to show that the adoption of quota policies have facilitated women’s entrance into politics. However, the road to adoption of the quotas policies has been influenced by several factors: political and societal (Caul; 2001), as well as parties’ culture and characteristics (Stokes 2005, Chapter 1). The rationale behind using quota policies is that the more women are present in legislative politics, the more chances women will have the chance to influence policy (Lyn: 1994: 560). Lyn Kathlene examines women’s presence and behaviours in a Colorado state in legislature hearing committees to test for their input in policy making and debates. The question that this paper seeks to answer if whether or not women get to influence policy making once in office, like advocates hoped for? We will see that to a certain extent it is possible to observe women’s impact in the decision making process. Although other pressures such cultural, negative conversational dynamics between men and women are present it does not decrease the rate of women’s participation in political decision making process. Instead it exposes the negative response ... ... on issues that directly affect them such as family issues. Their presence in national legislature means that they were elected by the population, they not only acting on behalf of all women but also standing in these hearing committees as their duty as a delegate of those who have elected her. The grounds for their interventions are based on their ability to position themselves as women but also as an elected official. Being present at hearing debates, shows that their presence is aligned with their ability to influence policy, regardless of the times they get interrupted. Male’s behaviours towards women expose a reality that is more related to their characters and behaviours. The findings that we have looked do not show any connection male’s behaviours towards women in hearing debate that discourage them from participating and voicing their opinions in debates.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How health care has changed Essay

With about 10 years of experience, as a secretary, in healthcare industry, I’ve noticed a multitude of changes within the medical field. On many levels, the medical system has changed, from paper charts to computerized patient files, the way prescriptions are handled and distributed, to file and/or medical documentation; even the paging method has found its place in a new technical era. Email, and employee intranet, has made communication between employers and employees, department to department, even employee to employee much easier and effective. The only thing that hasn’t made too much of a noticeable change is the employee time clock, and even that has managed to find itself an upgrade. Nonetheless, a host of inevitable changes, given the social status of technology, and the best service available by healthcare standards and expectations, it’s easy to see where the future of healthcare and technology lie. Given the past 10 years, technology has gained its own credit in the advancement of the medical industry. Robots have become the gateway to a better healthcare. I feel that within the next 10 years, we’ll begin to see a great deal of technical influence. In a field, where there are already advancements in technology, and its uses, it is fair to say that we could gradually become an almost ‘hands free’ industry. Medical advancements, in general, seem to have been primarily in the use of technology, and/or going green. Therefore the next 10 years, may still prove to be a breeze for the development of a relationship between medicine and technology. Even from my position, the change has been constant and obvious. Having been a secretary, since high school, I am currently in pursuit of my associates in medical administrations. My contribution to the industry has always come through my capabilities with a computer, and over the phone. Staying technically savvy, certainly is carrying its perks in weight with me. Within my experience, the secretary is the ‘go to’ person to get something to work proper y, or for better understanding of a technical meltdown, and if not the person to fix it, certainly the person to find the one who can. From nurses, doctors, patients, and parents, the secretary is the most knowledgeable resource, with a friendly face. As secretaries, we practically hold the key within the medical field. Always there to offer a helping hand, we operate behind the scene in some cases, having my own experience of pulling off many last minutes miracles. In medical terms, we’re essentially the central nervous systems of any and many departments operations. Though, now, being on my path to higher learning, in addition to, my contributions are becoming much greater, and giving my future the fuel to go much further. Like many jobs, the growth of change is inevitable, so to make sure this change is effective; insuring that employees are kept up to date with the latest in changes, adjustments, and updates is key. Having worked within the healthcare industry, I’m aware of the time and efforts invested into insuring that their employees are knowledgeable and capable of managing through company changes. I’ve had the opportunity to take a course or two, in order to insure I’m working at my fullest potent; cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) courses, to employee safety/self defense classes, system program changes, and new program usage. With my efforts, and the aid of my employers, my skills will remain polished and productive. Putting forth my best efforts and keeping the thirst for being successful in all my endeavors, along with the assistance provided through my employer; I will always be able and capable to perform all duties expected of me. With the growth of the medical industry, its employees have to be resourceful and reliable. Furthermore, within this growth, my perceptions haven’t changed, more they’ve evolved. The time within my courses have given me the opportunity to research and better understand the work and efforts that go into running a successful medical establishment. Watching the change over the past decade, leaves me no choice, and certainly gives me the advantage at being a highly adaptable candidate within my position. Growing with the industry, as a secretary I’ve learned so much, and watched a lot change for the better. In turn, my perceptions remain optimistic about the direction myself and healthcare or headed in. In a nutshell, any perception of an ever changing industry is certain to change. In any case, healthcare is changing for the better and the sake of providing the best, quickest, most effective ways to treatment and cure. In a sense, this change is creating a glimpse in the future of healthcare along with its and human longevity. With the healthcare industry taking on the demands of a modern day society, technology has a great deal to do with its future. Technology is set to play such a huge role in the development of healthcare. With the demands on the healthcare industry to offer the most effective methods of diagnosis, and treatments, along with healing time, the approach to technical advances are highly beneficial. Androids that perform, and aid in performing surgeries, the development in medical equipment and their advances/upgrades, the renewal of how patient charts are stored are all evolving, along with many more aspects of the medical industry. Leaving such a wide variety of development in just about every department, looking into the next 10 years of medicine vs. technology, the combinations are endless and sure to be exceptional. Though, with any development and need for change, there’s a cost to be paid. Given the state of a slowly stabilizing economy, the future of all the developments depends on the availability of funds, and people in need of care. Though, very beneficial, the cost of accurate medical attention can come at a higher cost, and at a time when finances are scarious and rising, some are unable to afford the best in healthcare. With the benefits of insurance, there is still only so much that can be covered.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Kelloggs vintage ad

In the early sass's, a well-known cereal brand, Kellogg, put out an advertisement for a new product it was producing, vitamins. The ad shows a well-dressed husband standing with his wife, both of whom look happy. The man Is wearing a suit, and the woman Is dressed to clean with her apron on and hand duster. The ad shows the husband saying, â€Å"So the harder a wife works, the cuter she looks. † On the bottom right hand side, you see a little comic of the husband and wife again speaking to each other. The husband says, â€Å"Gosh, honey, you seem to thrive on cooking, cleaning and dusting and I am all tuckered out by closing time.What's the answer? ‘ The wife responds, â€Å"Vitamins, darling! I always get my vitamins. † This ad is trying to portray the man as hard working and tired, but a woman who, though she is also hard working, isn't tired, and is ready to please her man when he comes home. Kellogg is using sex appeal and gender roles to attract its consumer s; however, this ad would be ineffective today because of its use of logos, ethos, and pathos. Back in the sass's, it is known that woman were the ones that did all the cooking and cleaning throughout the house, while the husband went to work. In the Kellogg ad you see a woman thatIs ready to clean and a man who has Just returned from work. The ad Is portraying a man holding his wife from behind saying â€Å"So the harder a wife works, the cuter she looks! † On the bottom right hand side of the ad you see the husband and wife again, this time facing each other, but again he is holding her. With the husband asking his wife how she seems to thrive on the cooking and cleaning because by the end of the day of work he is all tuckered out. The wife answers by saying, â€Å"Vitamins, Darling I always get my vitamins. † You get the idea that the woman will always be ready for the man.Especially with the way the husband is holding onto her. You can also get a glimpse of the gen der roles that are being viewed. During that era woman had to stay home and maintain the house while the man went to work to make the money. On the left hand side of the ad, there is a tiny Image of a Kellogg PEP cereal box. By looking at the ad you would not know It was supposed to be about cereal. When looking at an advertisement you indirectly come across three approaches to the argument; logos, ethos, and pathos. When you look for the logos you are looking for the reason, or logic, behind the ad and what is making it appeal to the reader.Looking at the vintage Kellogg ad, there are bold letters at the bottom saying, â€Å"Vitamins for pep! Pep for vitamins. † By reading that statement you want to assume that you are looking at an ad for vitamins. If you were to take your vitamins, then you would have the energy that you would need to do your daily tasks, and to also please your husband. The logic would not work today because taking vitamins does not give you substantial h ealth benefits. It is more like that placebo effect, in which people believe that it is doing something for you, but in the long run it is not doing anything t all.Ethos Is the credibility of the ad, so you are looking for the reputation, experience, and Its values of the advertiser. The ad Is showing how Kellogg PEP Is a good source for energy Like vitamins. So you can see that the brand of Kellogg and the reliability of vitamins are an excellent source of nutritional supplement. The brand of Kellogg and the belief that vitamins could give you what your regular diet you the energy that you were made to believe once did. Pathos is the emotion ad is portraying. It uses feelings, desires, and fear to influence your reader.The woman in he picture looks energetic and ready to go do the cooking and all the household chores, such as laundry, dishes, dusting, mopping, etc. The wife feels better than the man after a long day of hard work, and that she is ready to go to please him. With the wife having all the energy, she will be able to perform the acts that her husband desires to make him happy. The pathos would not work today because women do not just stay home and cook and clean. Today woman have more say in the way things are done. Kellogg used ethos, logos, and pathos to attract their consumers.Kellogg sees the idea of taking your vitamins as a supplement to give you energy to do your household chores, and for the woman to please her man. They are using sex appeal to attract more consumers. In that time woman were only allowed to wear dresses to look sexier. The ethos, logos, and pathos would not work today because of their use of sex appeal and gender roles. Today, women are able to go to work and not Just be a stay at home wife. Women have more options. By looking at the advertisement, you would not know that it was about Kellogg if it did not have the little logo box in the bottom left corner.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Definition and Examples of Sentence Negation in English

Definition and Examples of Sentence Negation in English    In  English Grammar,  sentence negation  is a type of  negation  that affects the meaning of an entire  clause.  Also known as  sentential negation, clausal negation,  and  nexal negation. (In contrast, a negation that affects the meaning of just a single word or phrase is called  constituent negation- also known as  special negation  and  subclausal negation.) Sentence negation is commonly indicated in English by the  negative particle  not  (or its reduced form,  -nt). In  colloquial English, sentence negation may be indicated by phrases such as  like hell  and  no way. Examples and Observations Two Types of Sentence NegationIt is usual to distinguish between two types of non-affixal  sentence negation  in English: firstly, negation with  not  or  -nt; and secondly, negation with the negative words  never, neither, nobody, no, none, nor, nothing  and  nowhere. Tottie (1991), for example, terms the first type Not-negation and the second type No-negation. Quirk et al. (1985: 782) give a list of the negative words together with their corresponding non-assertive forms, pointing out that there are two negative equivalents for a positive sentence containing an assertive form: thus  Weve had some lunch   has the two negative forms  We havent had any lunch  and  Weve had no lunch  (Quirk et al. 1985: 782). In the same way, these authors tell us,  He sometimes visits us  has the two negative forms  He doesnt ever visit us  and  He never visits us.(Jenny Cheshire, English Negation From an Interactional Perspective.  Negation in the History of En glish, ed. by Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade, Gunnel Tottie, and Wim van der Wurff. Walter de Gruyter, 1998) I did  not  cry or yell or  lie down on the pine floorboards and kick my feet.(Sarah Tomlinson,  Good Girl: A Memoir. Gallery Books, 2015)Its  not  the case that  I cant hold my own; I can.(Morris Philipson,  Secret Understandings.  Simon Schuster, 1983)I dont  think anybody is  in a position to give answers to social problems, definite, final answers.(Satyajit Ray in  Satyajit Ray: Interviews, ed. by  Bert Cardullo. University Press of Mississippi, 2007) Arson  isnt  difficult  to prove, but it can be very difficult to prove who committed it.I see whats going to happen. You only want to go to her. You want to get your share, after all. Youll leave me without a pang.Mrs Magaw stared. But wont  you be going too? When Mrs Taker sends for you?(Henry James,  Ã¢â‚¬ Fordham Castle, 1909)  My parents didnt  want to move to Florida,  but they turned sixty and thats the law.(Jerry Seinfeld)Never in my life  did I  remember Mama staying in bed past sunrise.(Jennifer Niven,  Velva Jean Learns to Drive. Plume, 2009)At no time  did I  feel threatened or in danger of violence.  At no time  did I  feel inclined to regard any of my colleagues as lazy or inept- or feel they were insinuating similar judgments about me.(Garret Keizer, Getting Schooled.  Harpers Magazine, 2012)  Exclamative Sentence Negation- In adult  colloquial  English,  exclamative  sentence negation  can be defined as the combination of an  idiomatic  word or phrase, e.g.,  No way, like hell, the hell, yeah right, my eye, bullcookies, nonsense,  with a sentence..., e.g.,  Like hell Al and Hilary are married, Al and Hilary are married, my eye.(Kenneth F. Drozd, Metalinguistic Sentence Negation in Child English.  Perspectives on Negation and Polarity Items, ed. by Jack Hoeksema et al. John Benjamins, 2001)- Shelby Boyd sidled up to Al Heakland and said under his breath, Its time to pay up, Al.Like hell, I will,  Heakland whispered in a stern tone.Like hell, you wont, said Boyd in the same tone of voice.(Ralph Cotton,  Showdown at Hole-In-the -Wall. Penguin, 2009)- My throats all tight, and  theres  no way  Im going to  cry in front of Ellery and Peyton.(Gail Nall,  Breaking the Ice.  Simon and Schuster,  2015)

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Use Conjunctions in Italian

How to Use Conjunctions in Italian Italian conjunctions serve as connector words, bringing words, phrases, and clauses together, like one big, happy family. They’re handy because they make expressing yourself a whole lot easier, and they save you time. For example, the phrase: devo andare a Parigi e a Londra per lavoro is the result of two phrases: Devo andare a Parigi per lavoro. - I have to go to Paris for work.Devo andare a Londra per lavoro. - I have to go to London for work. Which, joined by means of the conjunction â€Å"e - and†, becomes: Devo andare a Parigi per lavoro e devo andare a Londra per lavoro. - I have to go to Paris for work, and I have to go to London for work. But, really, what’s easier to say is: Devo andare a Parigi e a Londra per lavoro. - I have to go to Paris and to London for work. Types of Italian Conjunctions There can be two types: coordinating conjunctions (congiunzioni coordinative), or conjunctions that combine two independent clauses, and subordinating conjunctions (congiunzioni subordinative) or conjunctions that combine a dependent clause with an independent one. Congiunzioni coordinative: Join clauses or parts of syntactically equivalent clauses A coordinating conjunction is, for example, the â€Å"e - and in the preceding sentence: devo andare a Parigie a Londra per lavoro, where the elements brought together by the conjunction (a Parigi e a Londra) are equivalent from a syntactic point of view. In practice, coordination means to combine two syntactically homogeneous terms: Two attributes of the same noun (una strada lunga e diritta - a long and straight street)Two subjects of the same verb (Sergio e Claudio scrivono - Sergio and Claudio write)Two verbs with the same subject (Sergio legge e scrive - Sergio reads and writes)Two subordinate clauses of the same principal (verrà ² domani, se ci siete e non disturbo - I’ll come tomorrow, if you all are there and I’m not disturbing) Congiunzioni subordinative: Combine one dependent clause with another (known as the principal or independent clause), and therefore modifies, completes, or clarifies the meaning Examples of subordinating conjunctions are: Perchà © - BecauseQuando - WhenSe - If Esempi: Non esco perchà © piove. - I’m not going out because it’s raining.Non esco quando piove. - I don’t go out when it rains.Non esco se piove. - I’m not going out if it rains. Here the main clause â€Å"non esco† is on a different level with respect to the subordinates perchà © / quando / se piove: the latter add a determinant (causal, temporal, conditional), and act like a complement to the main clause. What is clear, then, is the similarity between the subordinating conjunctions and the prepositions: the causal clause perchà © piove, introduced by the conjunction perchà ©, is equivalent to a complement of cause per la pioggia, introduced by the preposition per. Forms of Italian Conjunctions With respect to their linguistic form, conjunctions are divided into: Semplici (simple), if they are formed by a single word such as: E - AndO - OrAnche - AlsoMa - ButCome - Like, asChe - ThatNà © - Neither, nor, or Composte (compound), if they are formed by two or more words joined together such as: Eppure (e pure) - YetOppure (o pure) - YetNeanche (ne anche) - NeitherSebbene (se bene) - Although, even thoughAllorchà © (allora che) - When, as soon asNondimeno (non di meno) - Nevertheless, regardlessPerchà © (per chà ©) - BecausePercià ² (per cià ²) - Therefore, for this reason, soPoichà © (poi chà ©) - Since Locuzioni congiuntive (subjunctive idioms), if they are comprised of multiple words written separately, such as: Per il fatto che - For the fact thatDi modo che - So thatPer la qual cosa - For whichAnche se - Even ifDal momento che - From the moment thatOgni volta che - Each time that

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Suppletion Definition and Examples in English Grammar

Suppletion Definition and Examples in English Grammar In morphology, suppletion is the use of two or more phonetically distinct roots for different forms of the same word, such as the adjective bad and its suppletive comparative form worse. Adjective: suppletive. According to  Peter O. Mà ¼ller et al., the term strong  suppletion is  used where the allomorphs are highly dissimilar and/or have different etymological origins, as in the adjective forms good and best. We speak of weak suppletion if some similarity is discernible, as in the words five and fifth (Word-Formation: An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe, 2015). Examples and Observations Bad - worse is a case of suppletion. Worse is clearly semantically related to bad in exactly the same way as, for example, larger is related to large, but there is no morphological relationship between the two words, i.e. there is no phonetic similarity between them.(J.R. Hurford et al., Semantics: A Coursebook, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2007)Suppletion is said to take place when the syntax requires a form of a lexeme that is not morphologically predictable. In English, the paradigm for the verb be is characterized by suppletion. Am, are, is, was, were, and be have completely different phonological shapes, and they are not predictable on the basis of the paradigms of other English verbs. We also find suppletion with pronouns. Compare I and me or she and her. Suppletion is most likely to be found in the paradigms of high-frequency words. . ..(Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman, What Is Morphology? 2nd ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) Good, Better, Best The forms good, better and best, which belong to the adjective good . . . show suppletion since the relationship between the morphs representing the root morpheme is phonologically arbitrary. It would plainly make no sense to claim that there is a single underlying representation in the dictionary from which go and went or good and better are derived. The best we can do is to content ourselves with listing these allomorphs together under the same entry in the dictionary. (Francis Katamba, English Words, 2nd ed. Routledge, 2005) Origins of the Forms of Be and Go The Old English verb for be, like its Modern English counterpart, combined forms of what were originally four different verbs (seen in the present-day forms be, am, are, was). Paradigms that thus combine historically unrelated forms are called suppletive.Another suppletive verb is gan go, whose preterit eode was doubtless from the same Indo-European root as the Latin verb eo go. Modern English has lost the eode preterit but has found a new suppletive form for go in went, the irregular preterit of wend (compare send-sent). (John Algeo and Thomas Pyles, The Origins and Development of the English Language, 5th ed. Thomson Wadsworth, 2005). Origin of the Term  Suppletion in Linguistics The term suppletion gradually makes its way into grammatical descriptions and other linguistic works in the late 19th century (Osthoff 1899; Thomas 1899:79). In grammars it was probably triggered by the preceding notion of a defective paradigm; e.g. if a verb lacks a form in a certain category, it is supplied by some other verb.In linguistic theory of the 20th century, suppletion came to be fully established as a concept with the advent of structuralism, where the relation between form and meaning as well as the understanding of paradigmatic relationships became very important for a synchronic language description. (Ljuba N. Veselinova, Suppletion in Verb Paradigms: Bits and Pieces of the Puzzle. John Benjamins, 2006) Etymology From the Latin, to supply, make up a whole Pronunciation: se-PLEE-shen

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Exam Notes - Strategic Management Analysis Essay - 2

Exam Notes - Strategic Management Analysis - Essay Example The stakeholders are important to the firm primarily because they check the actions of the company to ensure that the company serves their interest. They can influence decisions or exert control; the level of control or the extent of influence would differ depending on how much the stakeholders are interested or involved in the firm (Besanko 2010, p. 33). Governments could also offer rebates on electric vehicles. For instance, Israel usually taxes internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles at 70%, but agreed to tax electric vehicles at 10% until the year 2019. The United States, as of the year 2010, offered rebates that ranged from $3,200 - $7,500 depending on the capacity of the battery. In Denmark, rather than the 180% ICE tax, consumers would be able to buy electric vehicles at 0% until the year 2015 (Etzion & Struben, 2011, p. 16). Workers have an influence in that they could take an industrial action to persuade the company to do as they wish; and venture capital companies could vary the credit period and amount of credit to Better Place. Stakeholders can best be influenced through effective communication with them. For instance, clients can be informed about the products and services of Better Place and be persuaded to use them. By judging the company, stakeholders essentially provide valuable suggestions, views and opinions and help in shaping the firm’s project and activities concerning its business of electric vehicles. Threats stakeholders pose: threat of consumers refusing to buy electric vehicles; governments not supporting the project of launching electric vehicles; threat from the competition. Opportunities: huge potential market for electric vehicles; working with key utility firms such as Hawaii Electric Company, Israel Electric Corporation and Toronto’s Bullfrog Power to invest in renewable energy and building recharging networks linked to the grid (Etzion & Struben, 2011, p. 16). Renault-Nissan is committed to provide cars that ar e compatible with the infrastructure of Better Place. Level of interest Low High Low Power High 2 Industry analysis and scenarios The company committed itself to using clean electrons emanating from renewable sources. Agassi held the belief that the firm would have the capacity to buy electricity inexpensively from renewable sources and the cost of driving an electric car would be less than or equal to that of driving an ICE vehicle powered by gasoline (Etzion & Struben, 2011, p. 8). Scenarios for the future are as follows: Using renewable energy for electric cars Technology failing Technology succeeding Public acceptance Public rejection Porter’s 5 forces; supplier power, buyer power, threat of substitutes, threat of new entrants and rivalry are used as a model for industry analysis. Threat of new entrants: threat of new entrants to the electric vehicle industry will serve to reduce the profitability of Better Place as it operates in the industry. However, the high capital r equirements necessary serves as a vital barrier to entry. Supplier power: Powerful suppliers, including the manufacturers of electric vehi

Friday, October 18, 2019

Eng Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Eng - Essay Example Campus learning has its own exclusive benefits which cannot be denied. In this paper I will argue that campus learning is very important for college students as compared to online learning, while keeping in view my own experience of college campus. When I joined my college, I met many other students; and thus, started socializing with my peers, which is an integral part of personality development. My personality has groomed a lot after I have joined my college. I know this when I compare myself to when I was in school. I believe that in campus learning, college students come to know how to behave in classrooms; how to show respect to teachers; how to deal with peers; and, how to show discipline while learning. This socializing is beneficial for them in both short and long terms because they learn how to deal with life and its problems and how to cope with relationships. I learned how to communicate with my teachers and friends, which benefitted me in my personal life as well. Hence, campus learning teaches effective relationship management which cannot be learned through online learning. Campus learning makes the students follow the deadlines in a better way, and they learn how to follow a set routine pattern for their studies. When I joined college, one of my friends who is an online student convinced me that college campus environment is very strict and makes the student follow the schedules forcibly. However, my experience has been different. I have been able to set my routine in a very effective manner. Online learning does not provide the students with these opportunities, because they tend to be relaxed since they do not have to confront teacher’s remarks and class fellows’ comments’ if they do not meet a deadline or are not dressed up neatly, and etcetera. Hence, campus learning teaches discipline in a much better way. I have learnt how to neatly dress up, how to convey my ideas face-to-face, and how to behave in groups and teams. I could never have learnt these important competencies in online learning. Moreover, communicating effectively is the key to success for me and for the rest of the world too. I did not join online learning because of communication barriers like slow internet speed and server breakdown between the teacher and students. I wanted to talk to my teachers and peers. For me, visual understanding of others’ feelings is very important. When I joined my college campus, I could freely share my ideas inside the classroom setting and discuss the concepts. Teachers came to know me personally. There is always an interactive atmosphere which enhances learning. In campus learning, there are hands-on labs in traditional classroom learning that are crucial for development of skill sets (Tabor 47). I am sure that I have made the right decision of joining college campus because online learning tends to isolate the students inside the territory of their homes, and so, they remain inside their study rooms for hours and hours, which creates a bad impact upon their personalities on the whole. This isolation leads to depression and anxiety in the individual leading to the development of negative behavior. Campus learning does not isolate the students in this way, and they can always share their problems with their peers which is an excellent way to ward off their depression. I have had very positive experience of

Business Website and Children Clothing Research Paper

Business Website and Children Clothing - Research Paper Example The paper will also deal with issues related to the questions of how to buy a domain, how to trademark and protect logo. Step 1 Identify the problem that needs to be solved or opportunity that needs to be developed Essentially, any new business venture is mainly aimed at recognizing and creating an opportunity in the market (Nieman, 2003. In this case, the internet has brought about an opportunity that can makes it possible to market any product since it is a widely used channel of communication during the contemporary period given that it can reach a lot of people from different geographical locations. In terms of clothing, it can be seen that there are no large chain stores in different regions that specialize in selling baby/kids/children clothes. These products can be found in large conventional clothing shops that also sell clothes for adults. Therefore, it can be seen that there is a gap which exists in the market in terms of marketing and selling children’s clothes sinc e some of the consumer needs that are not adequately satisfied. In order to solve this problem, it is wise to start an e-business website that specializes in selling children’s clothes. This strategy is likely to be very effective in filling the gap that has been identified in this case. In other words, this business venture is likely to add value in the market if the following factors are carefully taken into consideration. Product identified and clearly defined- an assortment of children’s clothing would be sold online. The new e-business venture will specialize in selling these products to different customers in different areas. All business can be carried through the use of the internet and the products purchased can be delivered to the customers. Reason for product- there is a gap in the market where it can be seen that there are few actors in this sector who specialize in selling products that are specifically meant for children. Children’s clothes are oft en found in conventional clothing shops and this business is likely to be very convenient to many shoppers since they can get exactly what they would be looking for. STEP 2: Select a general topic area related to the problem or opportunity to research The general topic related to the problem or opportunity identified is concerned about the aspect of how to start a business. In this case, an opportunity has arisen and it can be seen that starting an online business to sell children’s clothes can be the best solution to address this issue. According to the Wall Street Journal (2012), there are different steps that ought to be taken into consideration when starting up a business. Starting a new business venture requires proper preparation and an entrepreneur should first decide if he or she is suitable to run that kind of business. This is very important since starting a business venture is not an overnight event. Entrepreneurship is about identifying opportunities that exist in the market and then measure are put in place in order to utilize the opportunity that exists at that particular moment in the market. The other important element to consider is about how to register a trademark for a company name. This element is very important since it helps to distinguish one company from the other. Whilst there are many companies that specialize in offering different products, they must be distinguished. According to the Wall Street Journal, this process can be done online and the company can also get the legal

Crimes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Crimes - Research Paper Example In the book, Hannibal Rising by Thomas Harris, the reader is able to find out more about the background of Dr. Hannibal Lecter, and why he kills and eats his victims. When Dr. Lecter was a small boy, he lived in Germany during the time that the Nazis took over the country in what they called their eastern campaign (Harris 21). He was from a very wealthy family. Eventually his parents were killed by Nazis who came to their farm to loot it. They killed all the adults in the house but saved the children (Harris 37). Eventually, due to many circumstances in Hannibals life, he had a psychological break. This break occurred primarily after Hannibals sister Mischa was taken "out to play" (Harris 60) by the looters and was killed and eaten instead; Hannibal found her baby teeth in a stool pot later that confirmed this event (Harris Hannibal 86). It is at this point that Hannibal divorces himself from his emotions and sees the world as very different. In the beginning, Hannibal kills for revenge and finds the men who killed his sister. By the time the viewer sees him in Silence of the Lambs, he is killing for sport. In most cases, Hannibal kills people who are disrespectful to him or those who annoy him. As Clarice Starling states in Hannibal, "its whimsy" (310) for Hannibal to kill. His only kills men. Dr. Lecter could be classified as a sociopath because he goes totally against societys rules. He is highly intelligent, very calculating and methodical, and knows how to psychologically control his victims. At some point, he becomes known as "Hannibal the Cannibal" Because he eats his victims or eats parts of them. He also tortures his victims before he kills them because it is fun for him to see how people react to his psychological way of playing with them. Dr. Lecter gives insight into James Gumb by stating that he "covets what he cant have" (Harris Silence ). Laura Sydell, a writer for National

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Drug Trafficking in the United States Research Paper

Drug Trafficking in the United States - Research Paper Example The National Drug Threat Assessment 2011 Report also indicated that Mexican cartels remained the author threat as far as drug trafficking and distribution is concerned, and they are found operating in every region, city, and suburban area of the country. These cartels do not only operate in the streets, but they have also upped their game inside schools, colleges, offices, and U.S prisons. Just like drug-related violence, disorderliness, and crimes, which are on the increase, there have been greater levels of heroin, marijuana and methamphetamine trafficking and use across the U.S/Mexico border (Longmire, 2011). This paper explores drug trafficking in the United States discussing the drug cartels, their countries of origin, their entry routes, distributors, and target markets. The United States’ drug market is perhaps the most profitable and lucrative in the world. That is the reason why it attracts the most belligerent, callous, and intricate traffickers, distributors, and dealers. Dealing with these ruthless traffickers is, thus, one among the many challenges that the U.S government, through its various drug law enforcement agencies such as the DEA, faces. The sophistication and the aggression with which these ruthless drug traffickers execute their operations and evade law enforcers, thus, hinder the efforts of the U.S drug agencies aimed at reducing drug trafficking into and within the U.S, more so border protection operations. The large volumes of people and cargo that enter the United States through commercial and private flights, express cargo carriers, vehicles, and passenger ships pose serious impediments to the war against drug trafficking into and within the United States (Cratty, 2010). It is through these movements into the U.S that sh ipments of drugs such as methamphetamine, marijuana, MDMA.  

Business week 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business week 4 - Essay Example Secondly, another problem in communication flow is the employee unwillingness to communicate and share information. In many organizations employees are hesitant in communicating with each other because of the perception that everyone is out there to get each other and they do not trust each other. To address this issue I will have to create an air of confidence and mutual trust in the organization. Trust can come through friendship so the above activity can be followed here in this context. Other than that seniors in the company should encourage free sharing of information. Another problem in the communication flow is when the message does not reach the intended user and therefore does not serve its purpose. Therefore messages must be careful targeted towards specific people in an organization. Lastly, communication should never be always in one direction. When an excessive one directional conversation takes place employees lose interest and motivation. Therefore I will try to encourage feedback as to involve people in the activities of the firm. This is a form of communication whereby the long term objectives of the organization are kept in mind and communication designed accordingly. It is done keeping a vision in mind. Goal setting and anxiety management would be more important areas for me. As a leader the goal setting part would be very important for me. This is because when goals do not exist , there is no direction. A lack of direction not only affects the organization but also brings down the employee morale. Anxiety management is also an important issue because it comprises dealing with stressful situations and working under pressures. Things in companies will not always be leisurely and peacefully, therefore anxiety management would work for the employees. (Robert, 1999) Diversity is an important issue today. This is because of increased globalization. Many companies today have huge differences in their workforce

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Drug Trafficking in the United States Research Paper

Drug Trafficking in the United States - Research Paper Example The National Drug Threat Assessment 2011 Report also indicated that Mexican cartels remained the author threat as far as drug trafficking and distribution is concerned, and they are found operating in every region, city, and suburban area of the country. These cartels do not only operate in the streets, but they have also upped their game inside schools, colleges, offices, and U.S prisons. Just like drug-related violence, disorderliness, and crimes, which are on the increase, there have been greater levels of heroin, marijuana and methamphetamine trafficking and use across the U.S/Mexico border (Longmire, 2011). This paper explores drug trafficking in the United States discussing the drug cartels, their countries of origin, their entry routes, distributors, and target markets. The United States’ drug market is perhaps the most profitable and lucrative in the world. That is the reason why it attracts the most belligerent, callous, and intricate traffickers, distributors, and dealers. Dealing with these ruthless traffickers is, thus, one among the many challenges that the U.S government, through its various drug law enforcement agencies such as the DEA, faces. The sophistication and the aggression with which these ruthless drug traffickers execute their operations and evade law enforcers, thus, hinder the efforts of the U.S drug agencies aimed at reducing drug trafficking into and within the U.S, more so border protection operations. The large volumes of people and cargo that enter the United States through commercial and private flights, express cargo carriers, vehicles, and passenger ships pose serious impediments to the war against drug trafficking into and within the United States (Cratty, 2010). It is through these movements into the U.S that sh ipments of drugs such as methamphetamine, marijuana, MDMA.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Nursing Accountability in Relationship Essay Example for Free

Nursing Accountability in Relationship Essay In this paper, I will review and implement recommendations based on the findings of the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) regarding the training of hospital staff to respond to a mass casualty incident (MCI). I will give examples and situations that can affect the effectiveness of proper training and responses to a traumatic event in our city, county, state, or country. For years, hospitals have contemplated the possibility of a mass casualty incident (MCI). Federal agencies planning and responding to these events have determined that it would be overwhelming and catastrophic to any community. The resources would not be sufficient to absorb the needs and requirements for help. These events can be naturally occurring or manmade, for example, hurricane season and tornado season in Texas can be predicted with accuracy. In the West coast, we have constant planning and preparation for the next big earthquake even though we do not know with accuracy when it would be. During hurricane Katrina, we had an excellent opportunity to witness how prepared a city is, and how hospitals can easily be overwhelmed by a massive influx of patients. Examples can be given worldwide, but for the purpose of simplicity we will not elaborate further. Never before have we experienced more threats than in the past few years starting from the Oklahoma City bombing and the 911 attacks as the most horrific examples to site. More and more we have seen our fears become our realities and our vulnerabilities, and this is what has made us rethink our strategies and training for proper response to chemical, radiological, or biological threats. Findings The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requires that hospitals implement and test proper hospital response training twice a year. My hospital, BAMC, a military hospital, has complied with the training and has made significant contributions to the evolution and preparedness in response to a potential or actual event. The military has always been an integral part in training and preparation in regards to logistics and coordination of available resources, but even the best trained or better equipped hospitals cannot compensate for the impact it has on its employees, particularly nurses. Nurses take part and are an important aspect of training and preparation, and they are essential in the response to a crisis or trauma. Working in the emergency department, I often question myself as to how is it that we can train and prepare every year for a mass casualty incident (MCI) when I can see how easily we get overrun and in total disarray. Our hospital is currently capable of taking up to four major traumas all at the same time, but the reality is that even under the best staffed days we get overwhelmed, resourcing quickly to diversion of Emergency Medical Service (EMS) to other hospitals when we have reached maximum capacity. If training then is to prepare us and allow us to be well equipped with the necessary knowledge to perform, why is it that we struggle under small real life case scenarios? The response has to be once again in the level of preparation that each individual nurse takes to be ready to be able to function under very stressful environment. The nurse can be well prepared for future events by performing after action reviews (AAR), which is primordial in determining the stressors and the potential solutions to the problems encountered after each event. Disaster drills are beneficial in the effectiveness of command and control, communication, triage, patient flow, security response, and the roles each practitioner must perform. Recommendations Hospital drills and disaster planning are key and instrumental to make the nurse familiar with his/ her role, as well as the role of all the providers of care and first responders. Proper coordination and adequate allocation of resources are essential. The nurse can be instrumental in his/her flexibility and ability to adapt to different roles under extremely chaotic circumstances. Also, nurses are important for the delegation of tasks and coordination of duties to be taken to stabilize the emergency department for the proper movement of patients arriving and departing. The nurse plays an integral role in the transporting of patient, triage, and treatment of the injured. Properly identifying those who are very critical (expectant, life threatening), and those who are stable and can still function (broken bones, laceration, psychological issues) allows the provider to render the proper and efficient care. The nurse needs to have clear communication with the rest of the staff at every level of the disaster event in order to function and coordinate efficiently. Good documentation needs to be implemented. Nurses need to remain creative in finding ways to document what has been done to a patient with regards of his or her care. In a war zone, we can document key components of patient treatment on the uniforms of soldiers, and the same can be done with civilian population in the absence of computers or charting for short periods of time. Another important aspect is the transport of first aid equipment and supplies as soon as the disaster is identified, including body bags, stretchers, wheelchairs, crutches, splints, IV solutions, blood products, antibiotics, and plenty of analgesics and narcotics. Keeping an adequate number of chaplains, counselors, and security is imperative for the emergency department to maintain order under the chaos and stress. Summary In conclusion, the registered nurse needs to be ever vigilant of the realities of our current situations of the world. Today, more than ever with ongoing climate changes and unpredictable massive storms, tornados, earthquakes, and the impending threats created by man, we are always at risk for an (MCI). Keeping a good understanding of the preparation and the steps to take, and knowing his or her role the nurse can be reassured that he/she will be ready for the unpredictable and often unthinkable. References Training of Hospital Staff to Respond to a Mass Casualty Incident Evidence Reports/Technology Assessments, No. 95 Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); July 2004 http://angel03. gcu. edu/section/default. asp? id=705202 Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) St. John West Shore Hospital, MCI Overview http://www. emsconedonline. com/pdfs/EMT-Mass%20Casualty%20Incident-an%20overview-Trauma. pdf

Monday, October 14, 2019

Kenya National Security Strategy

Kenya National Security Strategy From colonial times to present day   Ã‚   Executive Summary After Kenyas independence, Somalia was a big security threats. After the president of Somalia, Siad Barre, was overthrown, Somali citizens fled their unstable country and entered Kenya. This affected Kenyas national security. Jihadist militant group, Al Shabaab, ruled Somalia, and through the arrival of refugees, it made it easier for terrorism to cross the borders from Somalia to Kenya. Small arms and light weapons proliferation is currently one of the most crucial external as well as internal security threat Kenya faces today. The existence of ethnic groups and conflicts spilling over across the border to Somalia as well as the constant flow of refugees, makes proliferation of small arms easier. Health insecurity is a major challenge for Kenyan people as well as the economic development of the country. Health and the countrys economy are positively correlated thus one directly affects the other. Piracy incidents have become more frequent in todays world. Somali pirates affect commerce that is taking place in that region which indirectly affects the economy of Kenya. International intervention failed to bring peace to Somalia. Terrorism arises from such instability affecting Kenyas national security. Joining with international help Kenya wishes to attain political stability in the region. Introduction This briefing paper examines Kenyas security strategy in terms of external and internal threats. It will analyse why Kenya has taken specific measures to tackle threats and challenges from Kenyas colonial period to present day. In terms of geopolitical factors, the Nile was and is a very important river. Britain wanted to capture and control the Nile in the 1800s, in order to increase trade. Additionally, they wanted to have control over Egypt, by capturing the source of the Nile, which helped sustain the country and then move on to control the Suez Canal. By doing so, the British would have full control over trade in the Middle East with Europe. Kenya was colonized from 1885 until 1964, when it gained its independence. Post-Independence Regional Influence The first decade after Kenya gained its independence, Somalia posed one of the biggest security threats. In 1992, after the overthrow of Siad Barre, the president of Somalia at the time, Somali refugees found shelter in Kenya as their country was a very unstable state, and this quickly started impacting Kenyas national security. Somalia was then ruled by jihadist militant group, Al Shabaab, and through the influx of refugees, it allowed terrorism to cross borders to Kenya with kidnappings and hijackings increasing rapidly. Terrorism is still one the most challenging and serious threats Kenya faces today. Another neighbouring country that posed a threat to Kenya was Uganda, in terms of external security. The rise of Idi Amin caused tensions between the two states, as the Ugandan president claimed a part of Kenya. To respond to this threat, Kenya improved its air force and build a stronger army in terms of number of soldiers enrolled. The tension between these two nations was a great challenge for Kenya and a threat it faced and still is today with the proliferation of small arms and the instability of a bordering country. Adding to that, South Sudan poses a great threat to Kenyas national security. In 2011, South Sudan, gained its independence, attention was brought to the Elemi triangle and countries in that region. This challenge was dealt with through peace talks to come to a common resolution in a diplomatic and civil manner, however, it could still pose a threat to regional security and impacting Kenya in the future, as different nations have different interests. Furthermore, internal conflicts in South Sudan also threaten Kenyas national security, as they could spill over and start spreading in other nations which would destabilize the region and its security. Post-Independence Social and Political Security In terms of social security Kenya, since independence, has faced problems with ethnicity influencing internal politics thus affecting the nations national security. These ethnic groups which lead to a divided nation have existed since Kenyas colonial era to post-colonial and even today remain an imminent threat to the security of the country. Kenya understood this challenge, thus included in its constitution, that the government should have a legal requirement in appointing a leader that will reflect and support ethnic diversity and not favour certain ethnic groups. Distinction was made between ethnic groups based on the land they owned, however this lead to ethnic conflicts for land ownership between different groups. Another difference that divided these ethnic groups was language which encouraged strong ethnic identities trying to prevail and ending up in conflicts. Adding to that, the effect that ethnicity had on Kenya, is that it divided the country into 42 different tribes which intensified internal ethnic conflicts that posed a security threat to Kenya before and even after independence and affect Kenyas economic development agenda. In terms of political security, Kenya was influenced largely from its colonizers.   The structure that they adopted into their political system was created by the British who colonized Kenya. However, the diversity of ethnic groups was embedded into politics with culture violence being the only tool Kenyans used to achieve their aim. There was no trust between different ethnic groups and thus leading to a more polarized political system with the risk of increasing cultural violence to resolve issues. Ethnic groups formed their own political parties to establish power to their own people. This lead to election violence, which is still one of the most important internal security challenged the nation faces today. Kenyas political system was and is still is divided between these ethnic groups which could potentially lead Kenya into a civil war which could simply be used as a political statement. After Kenya gained its independence the government of Kenya tried uniting the nation into thinking as a unity instead of being segregated into the 42 ethnic groups and tribes, hoping to put an end to political rivalry and focus on issues such as poverty and health security as one nation. Policies were formulated to achieve regional stability as well as continental unity to depolarize the world from the two superpowers at the time (USA vs. USSR). Kenya was always a neutral country during the time period 1960-1970 as it had a vision of a united Africa. The second decade after Kenya gained its independence, Somalia still posed a threat to the nation, as it continued receiving support from the Soviet Union. The end of the Cold War had a negative impact on Kenya as the US tried promoting democracy which led to a negative response by some Kenyan ethnic groups.   These rallies that took place to promote democracy, often resulted in violence. Economic Development To obtain economic security Kenya has to ensure that it has financial stability, access to resources and that its citizens have sufficient income. However, Kenya still suffers from high levels of unemployment, poverty, and segregation of different income classes. In terms of economic dominance, Kenya has seen its industries grow and help finance some of the projects Kenya envisioned in the Vision 2030, an ambitious plan Kenya wanted to implement by the year of 2030. The division of people in terms of wealth is very visible in Kenya. Poverty is at high rates which leads to unstable settlements and the rise of criminal behaviour, as people have to compete with each other for basic resources such as food and water. Reasons why the nation has failed to implement policies to reduce poverty and the wealth gap is poor budgeting and overestimating the nations capabilities. There is a lack of appropriate policy frameworks and personnel to carry out these policies. Kenya in recent times, has discovered oil, gas and other mineral resources which could potentially lead to an growth in the countrys economic development. Kenya has responded to these opportunities in a diplomatic and business like manner, already singing contracts with international oil companies for the exploration of its oil as well as training its own people in handling and exploring these sources themselves. However this puts Kenya in a difficult spot as the instability of its region could lead to radicalized groups wanting control of Kenyas oil. The nation wishes to create strategic and business relationships with big international companies in order to avoid these sources falling in the wrong hands. Internal Security Today Political  security and regional stability In terms of political security, with 42 different ethnic groups present in Kenya, Kenya is a divided nation with a lack of a national identity. Ethnic violence has been present in Kenya even before its independence. Even after the nation gained its independence, ethnic groups still divide and pose a challenge to Kenyas national security. Kenyas attempt at resolving this challenge was not successful and therefore Kenyas idea of addressing with the issue is through educating younger generations on how to think like Kenyans instead of following their ethnic prejudices. Kenya has constantly failed at resolving ethnicity and ethnic conflicts is still is a corrupted government. With the segregation of different ethnic groups, presidency is also in favor of the ethnicity of the party elected. In 2008 was the biggest political conflict Kenya has witness with the violence used a s a tool to displace members who were in power of specific ethnic groups. Keya created a legislation and made it a legal requirement to found political parties based on the persons religion or ethnicity and this was also used to prevent gender discrimination. All parties were required to follow a code of conduct. The nation has failed repeatedly as it has not yet resolved the issues with ethnicity and corruption. Corruption in Kenya weakens its agenda on economic development. These ethnic groups are not only present in Kenya but also in other neighbouring countries which makes it very difficult for the country to respond to such an imminent and large threat that it is facing as it is surrounded by unstable nations.. Health and Food Insecurities   Ã‚   Kenya has been struggling with health security for a long time. Incidences of malaria, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and other diseases have affected, not only Kenyans but also national economic development. More of the nations funds are directed towards building a better health care system that would cater to everyone and could be afforded by everyone. This eventually leads to a slower economic growth for the country, which leads to lower incomes for certain groups of people and thus resulting in a higher percentage of poverty. Kenya focuses on education, health and poverty as key instruments in developing the country and creating this prosperous nation it has envisioned by 2030.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

explain ho wchristians put these ideas into practice :: essays research papers

Believing in helping and assisting less privileged people than ourselves is one thing but putting these beliefs into practice is another. Many people often have these ideas of how they may be able to help people but a lot of them never actually do it and at the most may put five pounds into a collection tin. There are many things that can be done where you can personally help and experience the cause you are helping. ‘Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven’ this quote represents the most basic thing people do for charity; giving to charity. Most people do this but not to the lengths this quote encourages people to do. People nowadays would not be willing enough to give up all their possessions to help the poor. There are a few exceptions. People like St Mother Teresa gave up everything and went and lived in poverty with the sick and the poor to teach them about the bible and to teach them English, maths and skills to ease the hardship on their lives. Another very basic thing people do where available is buy fair trade products. A lot of the time farmers are unable to break even in their farming so they spend more money on the actual farming as they get in return for their products. Because of this, people often get drawn into the cycle of poverty. There are hundreds of fair trade products available. For example you can buy fair trade chocolate which is often a lot nicer than unfair trade chocolate from a producer like Nestle who are being investigated for encouraging exploitation of the poor in LEDC’s. Overall fair Trade is not about charity. It's about paying a fair price for the products that we use, eat and wear. It ensures that you get top quality goods and the people who produce them get paid fairly. It's a practical solution to many of the problems that keep the world's poorest people in poor. One of the more involving activities people do to help the poor and less fortunate is to go and be an aid worker in another country. Either to go and help as a medical worker or as one who delivers aid to the needy and helps to teach new skills to help people in life. ‘Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy and drive out demons.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Killing of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern :: essays research papers

The Killing of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Hamlet's own Philosophic view. In terms of Hamlet's own philosophic view, the killing of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern is very out-of-character. Hamlet is an intellectual, and therefore believes that killing is not a necessary solution (this could also relate to why he hesitates so long at killing Claudius). He does this more out of anger and revenge than out of his own will and good judgement. As somewhat of a justification he says, "Ere I could make a prologue to my brains, They had begun the play-", proving that, given time to think about his actions, he probably would not have done it. Hamlet's goal of Revenge As far as his goals of revenge go; yes this was an act of personal vengeance for Hamlet, but it did nothing to aid in his ordered revenge of his father's death. Although somewhat justifiable, as the two were conspiring with the king against him, their deaths were not very practical. It is, in fact, completely plausible that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern had no idea of the contents of the letters they carried, thus nullifying the whole point of the revenge put upon them, and putting the deaths of two innocents on Hamlet's head. If they did know what the letters contained, however, it was one of Hamlet's high points in the play. He actually accomplishes something instead of analyzing it to death, displaying the kind of action he should have taken towards killing Claudius. In Terms of Today's Moral Standards Crimes of passion are the most common crimes that result in death and Hamlets actions displayed just that. He was anger driven, and blind to reason, reacting emotionally, without thinking too much about the end results or circumstances of his deed.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Basic Considerations

Hall's evaluation criteria is being applied to gather knowledge of the theoretical adequacy regarding Beck's Theory of Postpartum Depression. The research article â€Å"From Practice to Midrange Theory and Back Again† chronicles this substantive midrange nursing theory of Cheryl Attain Beck (Lassie & Ferguson, 2005). As referenced by the authors, the major concepts of Beck's theory are clearly Identified as loss of control, encountering terror, dying of self, struggling to survive, and regaining control (Lassie & Ferguson, 2005).Beck first determined the core concept or basic psychological Issue of postpartum mood disorder as loss of control (Beck, 1993). Women suffering from this disorder lack control over their emotions, thought processes, and actions which Beck referred to as walking a fine line between sanity and Insanity (Beck, 1993). The remaining four concepts or stages emerged from the data analysis, of Beck's grounded theory study, as the participants attempted to cop e with the Issue concerning the core concept – loss of control (Beck, 1993).In regards o the concept of dying of self, Beck illustrated a partial audit trail for the construct of this concept from the data (Lassie & Ferguson, 2005). Furthermore, Beck precisely explained the major concepts and supported them with direct quotes from the participants of the study (Lassie & Ferguson, 2005). These major concepts are moderately abstract since the phenomena of postpartum depression is measured indirectly rather than through observed evidence. For each major concept, three levels of coding were identified (Beck, 1993).The linear design of the diagram is structured so that the concepts serve as headings which explicate the progression and relationship toward the psychological process used to resolve the fundamental issue of postpartum depression (Beck, 1993). Internal analysis and evaluation.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

‘On My First Sonne’ by Ben Johnson and ‘Mother Any Distance’ by Simon Armitage Essay

From reading ‘On My First Sonne’ by Ben Johnson and ‘Mother Any Distance’ by Simon Armitage I can see that both of these poems are based on a parent/ child relationship. There are two main types of relationships one is where two things interact an example of this could be a car on a road. This would show us how us how the two things would fit with each other. The other type of relationship which we could have would be things such as Marriage, by Blood etc. In the Poem Mother Any Distance the relationship in it is both of those two described above because there is a relationship between the two people which is very straight forward who could be measuring and there the close relationship between the mother and son by blood. In Mother Any Distance both of the parties are still alive therefore the relationship between the two parties is able to continue, therefore the relationship between the two is able to change through out their live. Where as in On My First Sonne one of the parties is dead this then leading into a fixed relationship between the two existing in the memory of one. By looking at both of these poems I can see that the structures of these two poems are completely different. When looking at it for the first time you can clearly see that Mother Any Distance has three stanzas where as On My First Sonne there is only one stanza. By reading the poem On My First Sonne the one stanza completely makes sense, but if you just read one stanza in isolation in Mother Any Distance you can get different views about the situation depending on which stanza you read. If you read all three stanzas (as the poet intended), it changes again showing that there is a relationship between the three stanzas. In On My First Sonne you can see that there are rhyming couplets throughout the poem. Whereas in Mother Any Distance there is only two sets of rhyming couplets this is at the end of the first stanza and at the end of the third stanza which seems to finish the poem with a flourish. In this poem I can see that there are internal rhymes some of the lines rhyme and some do not. Old things such as God and fate are used in the poem On My First Sonne. This shows us that this poem is older than Mother Any Distance. In Mother Any Distance things are slightly more modern such as ‘Space Walk’. On My First Sonne there is a lot of rhetorical questions such as ‘ O, could I loose all Father, now.’ There is a use of enjambment in the one poem Mother Any Distance ‘ up the stairs, the line still feeding out, unreeling years between us. Anchor. Kite.’ This is enjambment because you could jus read the line saying ‘ up the stairs, the line still feeding out, unreeling’ this would make perfect sense in which the context it is used in but, if continue to read onto the next line without stopping it still makes sense. Both poems are clearly a conversation between the writer and the subject of the poem. Because, Ben Johnson is talking to his dead son and Simon Armitage is talking to his mother. Mother Any Distance uses a extended metaphor which is the tape measure. The ways in which he is able to do this is by explaining the emotional distance between his mother and himself and by explaining how to measure a room, ‘unreeling years between us’. In My First Sonne there is also a extended metaphor which is the loan of his child from god ‘Seven yeeres tho’wert lent to me and I thee pay’. When reading Mother Any Distance I get a powerful image of the son space walking through the empty bedrooms. The language in both of these poems is completely different this could be to the fact that they were completely different people but the main reason is due to the fact that they both lived in completely different worlds. Sonne uses words like ‘yeeres’ and ‘miserie’ which are Middle English words whereas the words in Mother are Modern English words. In Mother Any Distance the words that stood out to me where ‘Anchor. Kite.’ This stood out to me due to the fact that these two items are completely different to each other and sum up the whole poem. The words that stood out the most to me in On My First Sonne were ‘and fleshes rage,’ this caught my eye because the expression ‘fleshes rage’ is more powerful than just using the words growing old. ‘To have so soone scap’d worlds’ quoted in line 7 in On My First Sonne is alliteration. The themes of the poems are the same because they are both writing about their feelings towards a blood relative. They both express their feelings of loss towards someone for whom they feel affection. However in some ways the poems are quiet different this being due to the fact that in ‘On My First Sonne’ Ben Johnson is the father who has lost a blood relative whereas in Mother Any Distance it is the child who is losing a blood relative. The difference being is that Ben Johnson blames himself for the tragic incident because that is generally what parents do, ‘My sinne was too much hope of thee’. Simon Armitage is the child and does not blame anyone for the what is happing he just believes that it is the way of life. On My First Sonne Ben Johnson has no doubt about how he feels about his son whereas in Mother Any Distance Simon Armitage is unsure about how he feels for his mother. Both of these poems don’t really make me feel anything in particular, but I did feel some sympathy for the mother in Mother any Distance. I did feel sympathy because I think that the mother probably didn’t understand how her son was feeling about her. On the other hand I do feel some empathy for Ben Johnson in On My First Sonne this was due to the fact that I have also lost a blood relative in my life. This means that I was able to connect to the poem easily because I was able to put myself in his situation. I hope that my relative has found ‘ Rest In Soft Peace’. I had a preference for Mother Any Distance due to the fact that the language was more modern and was easier for me to understand. This was probably because it was written by a younger person and it was also written a long time after the other poem.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Youth problems

I believe that the graduate study would be able to help me achieve this dream This program . graduate study . uld help me become more develop and equip on the things that I want to learn that I can be able to use In my teaching career In the future . I believe that It is not sufficient to be a graduate of a normal school or college , or to stand high in the profession of teaching . Like the students , the teacher must grow , and this growth must be long lines both professional and general _ The teacher must have knowledge of educational movements and a familiarity with the progress in educational thought and research . Hence . ith the rogress In education literature and new educauon textbooks , and adopt the new Ideas that are sound that I can learn from the graduate school The zeal with which the teacher takes up and tests them in is one of the most helpful features of education work . The graduate school would help me become an earnest searcher and investigator in my own profession al field _ Thus , this program would develop my ability to create effective learning situation youth problems By bosya TermPaperWarehouse. com – Free Term Papers, Essays and Research Documents TheHome Page? » Social Issues Since childhood , it is my dream to be a teacher . It is the noblest Job in the world there are no teachers thus , the future of our nation lies on the teacher ‘s hands . This principle is inculcated in my mind and it motivates me to pursue this dream of profession I have chosen which is to be a good teacher someday because I want to to further my studies in education where I can be a competitive teacher and a role This program , graduate study , would help me become more develop and equip on he things that I want to learn that I can be able to use in my teaching career in the future .I believe that it is not sufficient to be a graduate of a normal school or general . The teacher must have knowledge of educational movements and a familiarity with th e progress in educational thought and research . Hence , with the progress in education literature and new education textbooks , and adopt the new ideas that are sound that I can learn from the graduate school The zeal with which and investigator in my own professional field . Thus , this program would develop my Youth problems I believe that the graduate study would be able to help me achieve this dream This program . graduate study . uld help me become more develop and equip on the things that I want to learn that I can be able to use In my teaching career In the future . I believe that It is not sufficient to be a graduate of a normal school or college , or to stand high in the profession of teaching . Like the students , the teacher must grow , and this growth must be long lines both professional and general _ The teacher must have knowledge of educational movements and a familiarity with the progress in educational thought and research . Hence . ith the rogress In education literature and new educauon textbooks , and adopt the new Ideas that are sound that I can learn from the graduate school The zeal with which the teacher takes up and tests them in is one of the most helpful features of education work . The graduate school would help me become an earnest searcher and investigator in my own profession al field _ Thus , this program would develop my ability to create effective learning situation youth problems By bosya TermPaperWarehouse. com – Free Term Papers, Essays and Research Documents TheHome Page? » Social Issues Since childhood , it is my dream to be a teacher . It is the noblest Job in the world there are no teachers thus , the future of our nation lies on the teacher ‘s hands . This principle is inculcated in my mind and it motivates me to pursue this dream of profession I have chosen which is to be a good teacher someday because I want to to further my studies in education where I can be a competitive teacher and a role This program , graduate study , would help me become more develop and equip on he things that I want to learn that I can be able to use in my teaching career in the future .I believe that it is not sufficient to be a graduate of a normal school or general . The teacher must have knowledge of educational movements and a familiarity with th e progress in educational thought and research . Hence , with the progress in education literature and new education textbooks , and adopt the new ideas that are sound that I can learn from the graduate school The zeal with which and investigator in my own professional field . Thus , this program would develop my

Research paper about the play A streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Essay

Research paper about the play A streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams - Essay Example She is a weak character, with no clear opinion of her own. She is forever vacillating between taking sides with her husband and her sister - whoever happens to be more convincing at the moment. She takes the easy way out in a situation that she alone has the power to put a stop to. And because of her lack of decision things get completely out of hand and reach the point of no return. She eventually betrays her sister, lets her husband get away with rape, and in the process ends up living a lie. Let's take the main players: Stanley Kowalski and Blanche Dubois are both strong characters, but they are the antitheses of each other. Blanche finds it difficult to face reality. She prefers to hide behind illusions and pretenses. As she tells Mitch (Scene 9) "I don't want realism. I want magic!" Whereas Stanley is as real as the piece of raw meat he handles at the beginning of the play. Blanche relies on the "kindness of strangers" (Scene 11), while Stanley is clearly a self-made man with his destiny firmly within his control - or at least till Blanche turns up to disturb the balance. He is honest to the point of brutality, unlike Blanche for whom 'life is too full of evasions and ambiguities', so she not only deceives others, but herself too. Blanche describes Stanley as a "survivor of the Stone Age". While this is too extreme, Stanley is clearly a male chauvinist and has a rather primitive streak when it comes to women. He treats Stella quite roughly and demonstrates his power over women with his demands and aggressiveness, whereas Blanche swoons and uses weaknesses to get her own way. However they behave, throughout the play, it will be noticed that Stanley and Blanche are true to their selves, but the same cannot be said of Stella. Stella comes from the same genteel background as Blanche, but she has chosen a more earthy and coarse lifestyle. Unlike Blanche who despite her checkered lifestyle is more of a romantic, Stella follows her basic animal instincts more than any intellectual or romantic call. Before Blanche comes on the scene, she is happy enough with her husband. To his credit, Stanley welcomes Blanche with an open mind. He puts up with her fancy ideas about the dcor, the way she hogs the tub with her predilection for hot water baths, drinks up all his liquor (without contributing in the least towards the house) and flirts with his poker pals. It is only when she starts putting him down, and turning his wife against him that he feels threatened and strikes out - in an instinctive animalistic way, and then he goes straight for the jugular. Stella should have been more sensitive to the needs of her husband, who clearly loves and cares for her. She has made a commitment to love, honor and obey him, therefore he should have been her priority, but she not only invites Blanche to stay, she encourages Blanche's disparaging comments about her husband. Stella should also have realized that any houseguest is bound to upset the natural rhythm of a household. But with a dangerously disturbed and destructive guest like Blanche there's no way there can be any peace in the house. Especially when her husband and sister practically strike sparks off each other every time they interact. Stella should have made her choice a long time back, and ended

Monday, October 7, 2019

Business in europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business in europe - Essay Example Some threats or challenges which are staring at the company have been looked into. Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. is an automobile giant based in Japan. The company manufactures a wider range of vehicles, starting from passenger vehicles, trucks, to buses and marine vehicles. The organisation has operations in different countries of Asia, US, South America and Europe. It produces luxury cars under the Infiniti brand. Under the leadership of CEO Carlos Ghosn it has grown to be the number two automobile company in Japan just after Toyota. Presently Renault which is a leading French automobile company owns 45% of Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. (Company Profile For NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD., May 2009; Nissan Motor Company, 2008). The Japanese auto giant by the name of Nissan motor Co. Ltd. has risen to become the 2nd largest automaker in Japan after Toyota and has got its operation in different countries of the world spanning the continents of North and South America, Asia and Europe. In Europe Nissan initiated its business by acquiring an equity stake in S.A., Barcelona, Spain’s Motor Iberica and begun producing the Patrol/Safari model there three years later. The next year in 1984, the company established Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd. in Sunderland, UK. In 1988 it established the Nissan European Technical Centre Ltd. again in UK. The next year the company established a centre in Amsterdam by the name of NENV or Nissan Europe NV to look after a broad scope of work all over Europe, from developing new products, procuring raw materials, raising capital to manufacturing. Owing to the success in UK market the company again established Nissan Motor (GB) Ltd. was established as a new sales company i n UK in 1991.In 1992 in Germany Nissan design Europe GmbH was established. The same year saw the launch of Micra in the European market which went onto win the award for the best car of the year in the European market. In 1995 the